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Barque Cat

Barque Cats are a semi-domesticated species of carnivorous mammal that are most commonly kept aboard larger ships and vehicles traveling across Hesper. Though most commonly seen as domestic animals, they are also found in the wild, typically in the plans and forests of Nibiru and Agartha. To distinguish them from the feral varieties, domesticated Barque Cats are usually referred to as either Ships Cats, or as a given name for the individual Cat.   Barque Cats have a limited form of Psychic Empathy, similar to the Psyer. However, they are not capable of the telepathic coordination that their cousins are. It is believed they are related, or at least share a common ancestor. Barque Cats use this limited psychic ability to detect prey and outsiders that threaten the social unit.  

Distribution and Habitat

Several breeds of wild Barque Cats are found in lowlands near mountains, and in forests and jungles. Since the cessation of the planets rotation, they have disappeared altogether from the Hel and Sky sides of the planet, and are primarily found within the twilight region where their hunting strategies are best suited.   Domesticated Barque Cats can be found all across Hesper, a popular pet on larger ships and in city domiciles with the space to house them.  


Though there are several breeds of domestic and wild Barque Cat, they are all similar enough to successfully interbreed with each other. They all tend to have around the same body shape and size,with a head-to-body length of 30-50 inches, with another 20-30 inch long tail. They have thick and soft fur, with darker stripes towards the front of the body, and spots or rosettes towards the animals rear. Long pointed ears with tufts of fur stick straight up out of the tops of their heads, though their ears can be pointed to better hear from a specific direction, and can be folded flat for protection during a fight.   Barque Cats are known to sometimes breed Melanistic kittens with black fur covering their entire body.  


Domestic Barque Cats have been bred for mostly behavioral traits, and are socialized to be around humans and crew members. Though some breeds are also cultivated for brightly colored fur coats by wealthy owners.  


Forest Barque Cats tend towards the smaller end of the normal range for the species, with much more pronounced patterns in their fur. Barque Cats with orange, yellow, white, tan, and even pale green fur are sometimes observed in the wild.  


Mountain Barque Cats tend be larger, and with less pronounced fur patterns in their coats. Many do not possess the stripes or rosettes found in other breeds, often only with black tufts at their ear tips and mane.  

Ecology and Behavior

Barque Cats are semi-social animals, forming colonies for protection, but are solitary hunters. A colony is typically comprised of four to six females, one of which is the dominant leader of the colony, one or two mature males, and any immature kittens. Caring for the young is a shared responsibility among members of the colony.   As kittens mature, contests for dominance will occur, and will lead to a splintering of a sufficiently large colony if unresolved. Maturing males are often sent out on their own to eventually join other colonies.  


Due to their natural social structure and territorial behavior, Female Barque Cats are commonly found on ships, where they psychically imprint onto the crew members, and serve as both companions and watch guards. Sneaking into an area guarded by a Barque Cat is an exceptionally difficult task, as the presence of the intruder is often sensed by the cat well before they are spotted.   Barque Cats on board a ship are also typically responsible for keeping the ships cargo hold free of rodents. A task that they excel at.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
26" at the shoulder
Average Weight
50-75 lbs
Average Length
overall 45-70"
Geographic Distribution

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