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On the continent of Agartha, any sizable community worth Ra's attention is under his control. All except for one. Deep within the Edin mountain range lies an area controlled entirely by Myrtiks who rarely, if ever, communicate with the outside world. The single largest colony of Myrtiks exist within a basin of these mountains, a practical supercolony. Somehow, all myrtiks are born with the instinctual knowledge of its location and existence. Whether this is some biological imprint gained from their queen upon their birth or ingrained into their very genetics is unknown. However, when asked of this place, Myrtiks only have one world for it, "Dawn"   The Edin mountains surround the entire region of Dawn. As it stretches for hundreds of miles across the Southern part of the continent, it can be very difficult to travel through, with the few scouted and mapped paths being defenseless against bandit attacks. The mountains themselves are manageable to skilled climbers on their own, but the harsh weather and severe wild life make things difficult to manage even for skilled explorers.    Dawn is beset on all sides by miles of mountainous terrain. Those who have gotten close enough to actually peer into the basin in which Dawn is situation will stress that it looks like a series of rivers flowing between the mounds. However, it is not water flowing on the ground. It is myrtiks. No one truly knows how many myrtiks live in this supercolony. It could be millions, if not more. However, despite this, they never seem to leave the mountain range, and thats if they even leave the basin itself, which is rare.    No one ever goes into the Dawn basin. Some have attempted to for a variety of reasons. Some believe that they can trade or find sanctuary there. Some believe that the myrtik's living there must be hiding something of immense value. No matter the case, no one who goes in ever comes out, myrtik or not. What happens to them is anyone's guess. Interestingly, Ra has never made a single attempt to conquer Dawn, but the priests can often be seen along the Edin mountain tops, watching.    The instinctual knowledge of every myrtik about Dawn is interesting. What is shared knowledge amongst them all is that should the world begin to perish, they should head there. Otherwise, they feel no draw or pull towards the area. There is no true religion amongst the myrtiks as a species, but they do have a shared origin story. It is said, that somewhere deep beneath the depths of the Edin mountains, deep underground. There is a massive queen, the Allmother. It is from her that all original myrtiks were born and is it is said that if every myrtik on the planet were to somehow perish, that she would be able to birth an entire species again. If the Allmother survives, the myrtiks will as well.
Underground / Vault
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