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When Hesper was young, there was nothing but the sea. All around the mighty planet, the waters ebbed and flowed, but even as mighty and beautiful as she was, she was lifeless. However, one day that changed. One creature stirred in the mighty ocean after eons of nothingness. Born fully formed from the darkest, deepest parts of the sea, she stretched her mighty claw up towards the sky and nearly plucked the sun from the horizon. She blessed the seas with her presence every day and came to know every part of the world. This, of course, was the all-mother Basatan.   After a countless eternity of solitude, Basatan grew forlorn. Hesper was a beautiful world. Massive and with so much to share, but no one to share it with. Recognizing the gift she had been given, she began to create creatures around her from nothingness. From the floating euryals to the deep dwelling anko. The ocean was now teaming with life, Basatan nurtured ever species and made sure everything had its place. However, as much joy as these creations brought her, she felt she could never fully connect with them. That is when she decided it was time to craft a species after her own image.   With her full love and care, Basatan began to craft her proudest creation. With a thick protective carapace like her own, mighty pincers and many shapes they could take, she created what she would dub the kegani. With her new children created, she felt that she was truly not alone for the first time. She taught her children all the creatures she had created before. She showed them the depths of the oceans and the peaks that ascended above the waves. She taught them how to hunt, how to harvest, and how to find whatever they need from the sea that they would call their home.    Though she loved all of her creations equally, she recognized that each and every creature had its place. The bigger will eat the small and that is not an act of evil, that is life. Even the kegani, her most precious creation, needed to have structure. Every kegani was special, but not every kegani was equal. They should be respected for they are all children of Basatan, but to ignore their differences and capabilities would only result in hardship. With their different forms, Basatan took time to establish that some kegani would be soldiers, hunters, laborers, caretakers and so on. However, when she came across one hermit kegani, she found herself struck with purpose.    "Little One, I have so much love to give, but the entire world needs my love and care. I have given you and your people so much more than the others already, so I call upon you to help lead your people in my stead."    With that, she took the little hermit and formed him a shell of significant size and power. A shell that could be passed on to whoever would replace them and so on and so forth. With her love and care, she taught this crab everything they would need to know for the kegani to prosper.    For generations after, she would continue to watch over all sea creatures, kegani included. Every species prospered the best it could and the sea, and by extension the planet, were in harmony. However, one day, the newest hermit king, by this point known as The Hollow King, awoke from his slumber to find Basatan waiting for them.   "You've grown so strong is such a short time. I am proud of you and all your people. I must go now, but I will return one day. Stay true to yourself and your people."   With that, Basatan disappeared, but not without a trace. Though she was never seen again, she left behind a massive shell. This shell was moved by the kegani and would come to serve as the frame work of Nautyl’leh. Even in her absence, she she provided one last gift to her chosen creation.    In the millennia since then, the planet has changed, the people have changed, but the kegani still await for the return of Basatan.

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