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Guildmaster Scrivener

Queen of the Cartographer's Hive

The current acting leader and head archivist of the Cartographer's Guild.  


  At slightly under five feet tall, Guildmaster Scrivener is a bit small for a myrtik, and even more so for a myrtik queen. Nevertheless, those who meet her find that her energy and presence more than make up for her small stature. Her exoskeleton is a deep, glossy black, a trait she shares with the other blood-related members of her hive, and her large eyes are a deep orange, always bright with an alert curiosity, which is also evidenced by her restlessly-waving antennae.  


  Scrivener was born into the guild, a member of the former queen’s final generation. Like many of her companions and siblings, she had an appetite for travel and adventure, and as soon as she was old enough, she struck out to connect with the far-flung members of the guild. She made many contributions to various editions of the guild’s almanac during this time, with a particular specialty in transcribing obscure oral traditions, local legends, and otherwise bits of cultural ephemera that she encountered along her way. This is how she earned her name.   When the founding queen of the guild finally passed, Scrivener was among those who solemnly returned home to see to the final rites, which, of course, included the ritual consumption of the queen. Not long after, it became apparent that she had inherited the responsibility from her mother, and Scrivener settled into the main offices to undertake those duties.   She’s been running the guild from Cherut Das for the last ten years. Scrivener has only ever left the city a handful of times since she assumed the mantle of queen, and only ever because of an emergency that needed her immediate attention. She does not have any offspring of her own as of yet, but as the hive is now sitting at the point between the last generation and the next, she is likely to start looking to start a family in earnest soon.  


  Queenhood has not mellowed Scrivener’s brightly inquisitive air in the slightest. She’s a genuinely curious individual, and quite dedicated to the mission of the Guild. Her generally open nature and genuine companionability are often quite disarming, and it’s not uncommon for new recruits and clients to be put at ease after a few minutes of Scrivener’s attention.   Her affable nature sometimes leads other to believe that Scrivener is a guileless individual, perhaps even naive, but she’s much sharper than she lets on. The guildmaster is keenly aware that the guild’s growth has the potential to attract unwanted attention. It’s a constant worry of hers that the powers that be will perceive the guild as a threat, or perhaps even a front for seditious activities.   The guild is neither of these things, but Scrivener is canny enough to know that it only matters if a potential enemy thinks it is. For this reason, she is slow to let her guard down and let her anxieties show to strangers. Getting into the guildmaster’s good graces is something that must be earned.

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