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The Ikon of the Sun


  Lena is unassuming, but at the same time unmistakable. Tall and lanky for a human, Leda wears little clothing aside from a simple shirt and robe. The rest of their visible body is covered in scarred and burnt flesh. These burns are incredibly severe, but mostly healed. The parts of them that are not covered in scars are charred black. All the same, they do not seem to react in pain to these burns being touched, or anything else for that matter.   As part of being the Ikon, Lena wears a golden mask that they seem to never take off, at least in public. Their face has not been seen since the Final Blessing. In fact, aside from having a similar frame and amputations as the pilgrim that went into the flame, you can barely tell they were the same person with a bald head, extremely thin body, and monotone voice.  


The Church has kept most of Leda’s history pre-Ikon out of the public eye. What is know is that they were once a woman named Ashri. She understood the pilgrim as hundreds did before her. It was a long and brutal pilgrimage with many guardians lost and parts sacrificed. When she made it back to the Altar of the Morning she was alone and barely able to stand. When she fulfilled her duty and finish the quest, she flung herself silently into the flame. However, during the following ceremony, something came back from the flame. Though it looked very much like Ashri, it was not her anymore. It was someone very, very different.   The Apostles Clar’dsol and Annalucia knew exactly what this was, but could not believe their eyes. Only two other times had the Ikon arrived and yet here they were. They called themselves Lena and they were of the sun. Who were they to say otherwise? They gave them the mask of Varas, their founder, and allowed them free reign of the temples. And so they took it. Though technically a position without responsibility and power, given their unique circumstances Lena was undoubtedly one of the most influential religious leaders on the planet overnight.
  Having only just assumed the mantle of Ikon last year, they have not had much use of their power. They have spent most of their time reading or in deep contemplation. They have left most church activities in the hands of the Apostles, though they still come to Lena for guidance, either in person or correspondence. The most recent choice of their own volition was in the choice for the most recent Pilgrim. A replacement was to be sent after the prior chosen went missing. As such, they chose a young, excited follower by the name of Horace.


  Lena is very quiet. They will move through rooms without announcing themselves nor drawing attention to themselves. They seldom refer to themselves in the first person nor the third person. In fact, they rarely refer to themselves at all. Sometimes they speak in simple, concise terms. Other times they speak in confusing abstracts that will take days or weeks for the Apostles to even begin to understand what they interpret was said. More often than not, Lena doesn’t speak at all.    
Despite their position, Lena tries to keep to themselves mostly. While in the temple(s) they can be difficult to track because they could be anywhere. While outside the temple guards will follow at a distance while Lena walks through nature and soaks it in. While never showing any emotion in their voice, in these times of isolation, reflection, and immersion, their body language shows them at peace.
Circumstances of Birth
Reborn of the Flame
Aligned Organization

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