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Myrtik (Mer-tick)

Physical Traits   Perhaps the most numerous of the native Venusian species, myrtiks can be found all over Venus, usually underground. They typically stand around five feet tall, standing on quadrupedal legs. In addition to their simple legs, they also have an additional two arms ending with two fingers and an opposable thumb, offering some level of fine manipulation. While there is some level of dimorphism between the sexes, by and large they are fairly similar in size.   Myrtiks spend a great deal of time underground in their hives. While in modern times it is fairly common to see myrtiks above ground hunting, traveling, etc. in the past things were much different. As the planet would be inhospitable for as long as it was out from the sunward side, they would spend nearly all their time underground. While in some regions there are various natural resources for light, most hives would be cast in complete darkness from its above ground entrance to its murkiest depths. In response to this, the myrtiks developed in a truly interesting fashion. Their antennae and highly sensitive legs allow them to feel both vibrations in the air and the ground, letting them effectively see in complete darkness.   Myrtiks have developed a reputation on Venus for being ravenous in their hunger. This is not necessarily the case and the idea stems not from the fact that myrtiks are always eating, but rather that they will eat anything. They have the ability to derive nutrition from nearly all types of organic matter whether it be plant, fungi, animal, sap and so on. Eating too much of a certain food can have both physical and emotional effects though, from a sugar rush euphoria to a cannibalistic madness.   All myrtiks in a hive are born from a single queen and are chemically linked to her and each other. The health of the hive will often determine the lifespan of a myrtik individual, but a myrtik will usually live to be twenty in typical circumstances. The exception to this of course being the queen, which will live several generations.  
History   In the earliest days of Venus, the myrtiks would spend all of their sunward days preparing for the long night. While there were animals in hibernation that could be hunted and some plants that could bear the frigid darkness, those were often deemed to be a last resort for survival. However, over millennia of survival, the myrtik hives had this down to a science and the last of their food stores would be running out just as the sun would peak over the horizon. So this cycle continued in perfect circular harmony, until the Atlanteans came.   When the Priests first arrived, things were not so different. The myrtiks were survivors and the arrival of the Atlanteans meant one of three things: new partners, new predators, or new food. Luckily enough, they were civil enough to trade at first. In exchange for help exploring the wildlands of Venus, the Atlanteans could provide hearty crops that could be grown deep underground in deep darkness. The relationship, much like the crops, was fruitful to all parties. Of course, all good things must come to an end.   When Ra arrived on the planet, their relationship with the priests shifted dramatically. There was no more trade. No more peace. Several hives were completely lost. The few survivors would say that Ra had not been trying to eradicate the hives, but instead take control of the queens in an attempt to enslave the myrtiks. While it seems like it resulted only in the destruction of the hive, it's unclear if this was the case for every hive. Once they adapted to the threat of Ra arriving, an even greater change occurred. The planet stopped rotating.   The myrtiks on the sunward side continued on as normal for a time, preparing for the cold winter that would never come. The colonies that didn’t burn in the never setting sun eventually broke from their cycle. No longer did they need to spend all their time preparing for something that would never occur. They began to open more trade with nearby towns or walking cities. They stopped surviving and started living. However, on the opposite side of the planet the myrtiks food supplies grew smaller and smaller until there was nothing left. Many perished, but not all. The will to survive is strong and many will live no matter what the cost.  
Culture   Each hive has a queen. However, the reign of every queen must end. When the queen dies the hive consumes her body. One of the female myrtiks will then inevitably metamorphose into the new queen for the hive and the circle will continue. Her chemical scent will also be genetically altered to match that of the previous queen, as has been the case for eons. Other myrtiks can use these pheromones to communicate with other members from their hive to convey emotions and messages without a single word. However, myrtiks do have their own shared tongue with all of their other brethren for when dealing with those not from their own hive in addition to low Atlantean which has become so commonplace.   A queen’s control over her hive varies greatly depending on the circumstances. During times of peace or plenty, the control is almost non-existent. While it is true that myrtiks will remain loyal to their hive, this is a matter of family, not chemical compulsion. They are free to travel, trade, and pursue whatever interest they like. However, when resources become scarce or conflict arises, the hive will become as one. A queen can exert near complete control over her subjects to the point of complete ego death. For most outsiders, it's understood that sunward myrtiks are usually open to barter and camaraderie, whereas nightside myrtiks can be extraordinarily dangerous and near savage.   On the occasion that a queen dies and is not replaced for some reason, whether it be because of the state of her body or her being taken by enemies, it does not always result in the death of the hive. While it is true that the hive will no longer grow, the community will still support one another. It's not unusual for these hives to align themselves with a nearby community, offering them help and vice versa for as long as the hive members live. Other times the hive will strike out as a mercenary force, using their bonds as their greatest strength.
Stats and Abilities
  • Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
  • Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
  • Starting Experience: 95
  • Starting Skills:
    Insectoid: The chitinous exoskeleton of the Myrtiks provide an additional level of protection and provide +1 soak.   Tremorsense: As a result of spending a majority of their time in a subterranean environment, Myrtiks have developed an acute sense of detecting vibrations in the ground. Members of this species do not add a setback die to their checks due to darkness, smoke or other visual obscurement, although intense vibrations may offset this.   Pack Instincts: When performing the assistance maneuver, members of this species add two boost dice instead of one.

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