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Enormous arthropods that evolved in the specific ecosystem of Byrd’s Passage, commonly used as beasts of burden.  


  These enormous and imposing beasts are omnivorous, but not typically dangerous, largely sustaining themselves on the various species of fungi, algae, cave glow-worms, small fish, and decaying matter of both plant and animal variety. They are amphibious, able to survive both in and out of water, though they cannot survive out of water indefinitely, and as such do not naturally stray far from whatever water source they call home.   These beasts of burden are often used to pull riverboats in the deeper sections of Byrd’s Passage, most often seen in places where the current stalls or stops completely. The mountain kegani have been caring for and breeding these creatures for as long as anyone can remember, and the domesticated varieties are notably heartier, sturdier, calmer creatures than wild pallidipedes.   Because of their diet, pallidipedes display bioluminescence themselves, usually along their antennae or running in patterns down their bodies. Handlers use this to keep track of their beasts as they move through the water, and a traveler journeying by riverboat can always tell if their vessel is pallidipede-powered by looking for the tell-tale glowing movement in the water below.   Pallidipedes are generally calm creatures--they are far and away the largest creatures found in the cave systems, and as such have no natural predators. When attacked or cornered, they can and will bite, and their sheer size makes them a force to contend with. Though their dorsal plating is generally thicker and more armored than any other part of their body, their underside is still well-protected, and any would-be attacker would do well to avoid the very real danger present in being trampled by a panicked pallidipede.

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