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Project Remains

Mu had several different projects to try to adapt the city for life on Venus, but all ended up being unsuccessful. Some of these plans never made it beyond the planning stages, but a few were being constructed when Mu was destroyed. However, some of these plans were implemented or constructed, but ended up being a failure to one degree or another. While some of these plans were smaller, a few were on such a scale that the remains of these failed solutions still litter the city.   The first solution they attempted was a retractable dome. While the sun was out, the dome would retreat during "night-time" hours and the inverse would happen during night to simulate day. Using technology, they would actually be able to simulate a night sky and the sun as well. This seemed to be a worthwhile solution until they realized the vibrations from the domes daily retraction were damaging support structures for buildings all around the city. They discussed leaving the dome up all of the time then with all hours of the day being simulated, but it was deemed too energy inefficient.    Afterwards they tried using luster, the natural mineral found on Venus, as a solution for light during night time. However, this did nothing to offset the half of the year where the sun would be out. As such, they tried to, and successfully developed an alternative anti-luster that would absorb all light in a given area, leaving it in complete darkness. Which a great deal of this material was made, it was never fully implemented for two reasons. Firstly, when the anti-luster was put into place, it was very hard to put away because of the complete darkness it was shaded in. Secondly, though it offset the light, neither luster nor anti-luster could fix the issues regarding heat from the sun or coldness because of its absence.    Near the center of the city, next to the Basilica, there sits a device from one of their last attempts. This device was supposed to change the climate surrounding the city, as with the anti-luster it could feasibly be a permanent solution. During the initial testing, everything seemed to work just fine. For half a year, Mu was perfectly livable, even with the sun being out all year long. The climate device was able to lower the ambient temperature of the city by a quite a bit, even if they did have to calibrate it after Mu was blanketed in several feet of snow .When combined with the anti-luster, made the city very comfortable. However, when the planet went dark they realized the issue. Though the device could lower the temperature quite well, it couldn't generate enough heat to offset the complete absence of the sun. Unfortunately, a half-solution is not viable and they returned to the drawing board.   Before Mu would attempt the magical ritual that would inevitably lead to its downfall, there were two more major solutions in the works that were about to be implemented. The first was a plan that would eventually be seen all over Venus, the walking city. In a rare show of humility, the Atlanteans were ready to admit defeat about being able to tame the planet on their own terms and were planning to convert Mu to a walking city. They even developed several prototypes that would go on to be cities of their own. Very little is known about the second, with only the Priests in the Basilica and a few chief scientists knowing the full plans. This plan, apparently called "Project Eros" was reportedly only days from completion before the city was trapped in its eternal loop.

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