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Temple of the Five Paths

Somewhere in the Venusian Wildlands, just past the solar terminator, and well isolated from other forms of civilization is an Atlantean Priest Temple complex that is surprisingly active, though it no longer houses Atlanteans.   Bathed in Venusian twilight, the temple complex is of a familiar concentric ring design, though much smaller than a typical city state. It shows signs of active remodeling, symbols and iconography of the original builders being replaced by the trappings of a new religious order that has taken over the complex.   The Temple of the Five-Fold Song is a Militaristic Religious order that sprang up several centuries ago in the ruins of an abandoned Atlantean Priest Temple complex. The surrounding area is desolate wasteland, filled with dangerous predators and unforgiving terrain. Travelers who brave the hostile environment are greeted from many miles away with the sound of bells, organs, and soft hymns filling the landscape. As they get closer, the music is occasionally punctuated by the clanging of practice swords or the yelling of initiates undergoing intense training. Random travelers are rarely admitted into the temple complex proper; members of the temple are not too keen on visitors. It is not known to anyone outside the temple which came first, the Order or their inhabiting the Temple, and anyone within the order that does know, isn’t talking.
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