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The Archives

The primary focus of the city when it still functioned was directly tied to the Archives, the most well maintained and guarded building in the entire city and, perhaps, one of the most secure in the world. Being that the citizens were so focused on research, they brought it upon themselves to catalogue and collect everything that the city came across. Whether that be animal, plant, metals and materials, or even historical documents, there is no piece of knowledge that is too esoteric for the Archives.   As opposed to the biosphere of Erras Das, the Archives are much more cold and scientific. As opposed to the nature inspired motifs and fields within the biosphere, when walking into the Archive there is a stark contrast. Cold concrete walls, steel beams, rows upon rows of shelves that stretch outward and spiral upward. Everything is perfectly placed, categorized, and only given attention when needed. The archives are not a place for tradition, spiritual wellness, or happiness in the slightest. They are for knowledge and the pursuit of study.   The building itself was simultaneously the most secure and open building in the entire city. They wanted the building to be protected in case anything were to happen to the city in order to protect everything that they had built and collected, but they always wanted every citizen of the city to be able to learn, research and grow. It was not only accepted, but recommended that everyone spend their free time trying to not only learn how an animal, plant, or anything else works, but why it works.   Everything was stored at the archives. In terms of animals there were not only skeletons, teeth, and pelts, but live specimens as well, when possible and feasible of course. Plants would be similarly maintained with a massive seed bank and a variety of plants grown in varying conditions sprinkled throughout the facility. Materials, metals and alloys were also stored here. One could study the properties of gold, the reactions of orichalcum or the uses of dragonscale. Even though they could not be tested, any artifact or document of historic or cultural significance was also preserved in the largest known library on the planet.   This pursuit of study is what led to the demise of Maksur Das. In the ages since the planet stopped turning, the wildlife has adapted in many, strange ways that only served to fascinate the studious citizens of the city. While searching for permanocturnal creatures, they ran into Ra’s force on the dark side of the planet and the rest is history. Though no one can say for certain, it appears that the Archives were the last in the city to fall. The building’s exterior is extensively damaged, but the inside of the building remains relatively intact. If possible, it appears that even when losing themselves to the will of Ra, they were able to maintain one shred of themselves in their madness to maintain the Archives.

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