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The Basilica

As is traditional for Atlantean cities, the city of Mu is laid out in a cyclical fashion. This always ensures that their cities are easy to navigate and also ensures that they can plan the layout of their buildings to ensure maximum efficiency. One of the best ways that they do this is by placing the administrative building in the center of the city. In the case of Mu, they planned for the administrative building to not just handle the city, but eventually the whole of Venus. As such, the Basilica was built with the entire planet's needs in mind.   As Venus was still in the process of being tamed when the Basilica and Mu were being constructed, they also built a robust security system in and around the city. Various turrets were set up, both mechanical and magical. In addition to this, the city is outfitted with a variety of magical barriers that could be activated a moments notice. With these in addition to a litany of defenses made Mu an intimidating city to attack. The defenses are all controlled from the Basilica, but no one has made a serious effort to deactivate them because their efforts would be in vain as the defenses would reset the moment the loop starts over.   There were many plans for the Basilica that would never come to be. Chief among them was a system for instant communication that they would have formed the basis for a communication network for all cities around the planet. Though the system was functional, no other cities were completed in time for the network to be implemented. Plans for many of these planned cities, some of which were built, remain on file in the Basilica archives.   Atop the Basilica are the Cardinal chambers, where the leaders of the city would oversee the city. From their chambers they would discuss and plan the future of the city that would never get a chance to flourish. The chambers were separated into two different rooms. The first was the Cardinal Table, the place for all meetings and discussions for what would happen on the planet. The second room was more unusual as it had a dual purpose. The first of these was to house any documentation or plans that the Priests may not have wanted to fall into the wrong hands. The second purpose was more simple, with the room being a place for either self-contemplation and meditation or, in the event that it was needed, a place for meetings that needed to be held in absolute secret. For these reasons, the room was designed to only open two times a day, roughly an hour after sunset and an hour before sunset.
Government complex

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