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The Biosphere

One of the first issues that had to be planned for during the construction of Erras Das was how the population would sustain itself, both physically and emotionally. In the past, with the rotation of the planet, large-scale cultivation was practically impossible. As the planet’s rotation came to a halt, they finally had the ability to grow crops that would take months to mature, but they had to maintain constant movement themselves now in order to escape Ra’s forces. The only reasonable solution was The Biosphere.   The Biosphere is easily the largest building in all of Erras Das and can be seen from practically any point in the city. Its large glass dome stretches across multiple city rings and extends higher than any other part of the city. Given this, there are multiple entrances to the Biosphere, each one lightly guarded. While there is no current threat present to the Biosphere, its existence is of such importance that the city will guard it at any cost.   The physical health of the citizens largely rests upon the crops grown within the Biosphere. Each member of the city is required by law to set aside their work for a period of time each year in order to work the crops. Only with a special disposition approved by the Assembly can someone forgo their time working in the Biosphere. Of course, there are also specialists that work there full time, but those are the exceptions. The crops themselves vary wildly with most being native to Venus, while others may even be from Mars or Earth.   Emotionally, it can be easy to feel like you are trapped on Erras Das with the same buildings and walls surrounding you day in and day out. That is why the biome also houses several different animals, both for food and emotional well being. While some of these beasts are used for either their meat or their products like dairy, eggs, or wool, many citizens find it genuinely pleasant and relieving to simply be around these animals. Under the watch of the caretakers, any citizen can spend time with any animal within the biosphere, so long as they do not harm the animal. Maintaining the populations of the herds can be difficult however, so on some occasions the entire city may go out of its way to head towards the animals native territory in order to retrieve new specimens.   There's one other purpose of the biosphere that doesn’t get spoken of much within the walls of Erras Das. A city that can not expand has no room for graveyards. Whether it be for the plants or the animals, each and every citizen of Erras Das will inevitably be food in the Biosphere. It's not necessarily seen as a bad thing, but rather a natural cycle. The Biosphere provides both health and comfort to the city and its people, so naturally they can be depended on to do the reverse. Some people find comfort in knowing that as they walk through the fields, their ancestors are still with them.
World wonder

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