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The Corpse

In one particular stretch of the jungle, spanning several dozen miles, every so often one will come across something very out of place in this frozen jungle. A warm, rotting smell will overwhelm the senses and the chemical heat from decomposition will warm the frozen plants. No one has recorded just how many pieces are thrown throughout the jungle, but no two are the same. Whether it be a fraction of abdomen with several ribs that stretch several hundred feet in the air, a tree sized finger, or any other alien piece of flesh, it all belongs to The Corpse.   Long before recorded Venus history, even before the Atlanteans first stepped foot on the planet, The Corpse was here. While it's entirely possible that other pieces of it are elsewhere on Venus, the currently known pieces are littered all throughout the Frozen Jungle. Compared to the vibrant blues and purples of the leaves and streams, the pink, red, and black shades of flesh of The Corpse are quite conspicuous.   No one seems to know where the corpse comes from, but of course there are theories. Its immense size is an issue as most creatures mate in pairs, meaning that there would have to be more than one, but if there are any others they have not been found. A more plausible theory is that it comes from the vacuum of space or from another dimension entirely. Its monstrous and tentacled appearance lead credence to this second theory. However, it can be difficult to ascertain exactly what it was, as the Corpse’s head has never been found.   Interestingly, the areas where the body parts have fallen have changed over time. Gone are the natural shades of color of the jungle, as instead the flesh has slowly crept and overtaken nature and its surroundings. Trees have mutated into strange tentacled brambles. The pustule-covered ground itself squishes with every step. What is worse is that many of the creatures that live near the Corpse have mutated as well, becoming horrific eldritch abominations that no longer resemble anything close to what they may have once been.   Over the centuries, the villagers of Umbra have taken great measures to try to stop the spread of Corpse corruption throughout the frozen jungle. At a great personal cost, they have built ditches surrounding the found pieces, occasionally lighting them aflame to stop the spread. Clearing surrounding tracts of trees has also helped slow the spread. Unfortunately, while the corruption can be stopped from spreading, it can’t be destroyed entirely. The pieces of the Corpse also seem impervious to damage, at least in all attempts so far. This only begs the question, if no known weapons can harm the Corpse, what killed it in the first place?
Metaphysical, Supernatural

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