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The Graveyard Peninsula

Walking cities were amongst the greatest inventions that the Atlanteans brought to Venus, second only to the Great Machine. In a way they were just like the Great Machine in that they changed the way life was lived on the planet forever. Where as once life had to find a way to survive through the long days abc nights, the majority of the population could live comfortably as they traveled the world. As such, hundreds were made, each able to carry a full cities population. Unfortunately not all of them were able house the populations they were designed for before being decommissioned and only a scant few are up and running today. The others are lost, destroyed by Ra’s forces, and laid to rest upon what has become the Graveyard Peninsula.   The peninsula only stretches on for a few dozen miles, but travel upon it is nigh impossible. The reason for this being the corpses of the cities packed so tightly together and upon each other that you’ll seldom go a few yards without having to crawl or squeeze your way through. On the few occasions that you find yourself in an open area, it will be eerily quiet save for the whistling winds. Standing amongst a cityscape that is completely barren filled with buildings that are empty at best and filled with skeletons at worst leaves one feeling far away from any other living soul.   Many of the cities are left largely intact, their only damage being from centuries of neglect and the pressure of the other cities upon them. This is not because of any mercy upon Ra’s part. Upon his arrival, he seized the means by which the cities were created. Many of the cities he or his forces destroyed are left in pieces, as opposed to those simply left as rotting corpses. Ra has used this to his advantage, by leaving many cities intact, he has created a useful trap for the desperate who will try to scavenge supplied for other walking cities in need. Not only from the damaged cities themselves, but from Ra’s trophy, Genesis Das. The city that makes cities.   When Ra captured Genesis Das, he captured the means by which all other walking cities were made. The largest walking city ever created, Genesis Das was a work of labor that took years upon years, but the end result was undoubtably one of the greatest Atlantean achievements. Within the city we’re entire factories, ecosystems, and systems, which when working together could create an entirely new walking city with minimal effort. Now it sits unoccupied and largely undamaged at the tip of the peninsula. It serves multiple purposes. The first being the aforementioned trap for those in need of parts. The second to serve as a warning to those who may doubt Ra’s power, for if he can bring down such a monumental construction, he can do anything. Finally, it serves as a trophy and achievement of pride, because he’s the one that built it.
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