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The Great Machine

The Great Machine, as the vrii call it, is the most powerful piece of Atlantean technology on Venus, possibly excluding the Tower of Souls. It sits in the center of Cirros Mot, spewing moisture and oxygen into the sky and invigorating the planet with life. Only a portion of the Great Machine can be seen, however, as its machinery and inner workings stretch deep underground in a byzantine maze of oversized rooms and corridors filled with esoteric mechanisms. Deep in the heart of the Great Machine is a gigantic power crystal which fills the inner heart of the mountain with light and radiates with vital energy.   While Venus was capable of life prior to the Great Machine, it could not support the Atlanteans or life in great numbers. The Great Machine allowed trees to sprout, clouds and weather patterns, and even increased the fertility of the soil, allowing for magnitudes of increased food stuffs. While it is possible that if the Great Machine shut down due to overheating that Venus would still be able to support life, the effects would be catastrophic. The vast majority of the life on the planet would die, including plants, animals, and the various races that live on the planet.   Unlike the Great Machine on Mars, the Machine of Venus is working as intended without any signs of slowing or breaking. If the Machine could somehow be stopped from overheating, whether that be from some outside source or a permanent fix to the Machine, it could continue to run indefinitely.

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