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The Harbinger

An eternity ago, before the Atlantean’s visited the planet that would come to be known as Venus, a massive rock travelled through the cosmos. On one fateful day, this asteroid collided into the planet, burying itself deep underground, but the tail end of this asteroid remained exposed to the elements. The heat and force of this impact had repercussions the world over, bringing a new source of energy to the planet that helped create the genesis of some of the same species we see on Venus today. However, though an eternity has passed, the tip of the asteroid, now known as Hachrr’ii, or The Harbinger.   The properties of this newly formed peak stands out amongst the other mountains in many ways. At first glance it is a very different color and composition when compared to the other mountains. When compared to the rest of the landscape with harsh browns and snow-covered slopes, The Harbinger stands tall, a brilliant gleaming silver that shines across the entire landscape and can be seen from miles away. However, the most defining feature of the mountain is not its appearance, but rather its properties.   The asteroid as well as the extruding piece that forms the body of The Harbinger exhibits unnaturally strong magnetic properties. Some of the pieces of the mountain itself have apparently reversed in polarity as they repulse themselves up and away from the main body of the mountain. While small in comparison to the main body of the mountain, these floating islands are large enough to house their own ecosystems separate and unique to anything else on Venus.   Due to its magnetic properties, it has caused some changes in both the local biology and cultures. The most obvious of which is that its magnetic fields can be detected all over the globe, making The Harbinger the baseline medium for navigating through compass. However, the cha'ari, having evolved in the presence of this mountain, can detect these magnetic fields natively due to metallic deposits in their beaks, making them the authority on navigation on the planet.   Also, in times of conflict with outsiders, the natives of The Rookery have been known to actively seek to defend themselves on The Harbinger, finding that it gives them an advantage over their attackers. While some maintain this is simply the mountain watching over them or even just familiarity with the landscape, the answer is actually more complicated than that. Having grown and lived within these magnetic fields for a great deal of their lives, the natives of The Rookery know to subconsciously adjust the aim of their weapons that might be affected by the magnetic pull. However, anyone unfamiliar with that may find the weight of their weapons slightly affected by these magnetic fields. The adjustment is not necessarily enough of a difference that anyone would notice by weight, but even the smallest adjustments to posture and precision can make a large difference when one has been trained to fight in a specific way only to have the laws of physics change. As such, in its entire history, no outside force has ever taken control of The Harbinger.
Mountain / Hill

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