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The Storm

When Venus stopped rotating, the winds were disrupted. The fronts that drafted along the planet's surface still do so, but their regular systems no longer exist. Over time, this irregular activity built up and has manifested itself over the Aurrus Sais. Now for the last several millennia, a storm has been a constant fixture over the Sea, but only seems to manifest in one particular location, with a hurricane that remains both stationary and eternal. It can be seen from dozens of leagues away, haunting the seascape.   Tales of the storm have drifted across the sea from port to port for generations. It has developed a reputation as a specter on the sea, always watching, ready to punish any who underestimate it. Some say that the storm is unnatural, caused by Ra to guard untold secrets, which is rejected by some who say the storm may be older than Ra himself. Others say that if you get close enough to the storm, you can hear the voices of those who have lost their lives in the tempest. The truth of the matter is, what exactly the storm is and what secrets it may hide are hearsay, but as with anything ancient and unknown, there will always be rumors.   While the storm itself is subject to speculation, many day dreams often drift to what exactly is in the eye of the storm. It is not uncommon for adventurers and other travelers to sit around a table after a successful job wondering what unclaimed treasures may lie beyond the storm. There could be an entire civilization living in peace. The bounty of a thousand ships pulled into the storm and left to rot. Perhaps even something within the storm itself is causing everything, creating a purposeful barrier between itself and the world.   The reason for so much speculation is clear, no one has ever made it into the storm and back out. There is no proof that anyone has made it into the storm for that matter, but it's possible that they have pierced through the gale force winds and made it into the eye, only unable to make their way back out. That is if they want out at all in the first place. Every once in a while someone will mention that they have met someone who claims to have made it into the storm and back, but these claims are all inevitably claimed to be the ramblings of a drunkard or a mad man.   Navigating the waters around the storm have become common practice to the sailors that sail the Aurrus Sais. The winds and unsteady waters mean that any ship travelling even remotely close to the storm must be prepared to compensate for those, even using primitive mechanical motors. However, the storm does have one benefit to sailors, its positioning can help be used for navigation if needed. That said, in most cases when navigating the correct heading is “away from the storm”.

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