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The Underground

The jungle can be very dangerous, so traveling through is always a decision not to be carried lightly. Luckily enough, the frozen jungle has a unique feature that allows for safer travel. Dried up lava shoots from millennia for volcanic activity have created an intricate system of tunnels under the surface. By using these tunnels, one can typically travel safer and much faster than one would with overland travel.   In days past, merchants and other travelers would meet on the outskirts of the jungle near one of the underground entrances where they would wait for their underground caravan. Through a series of cables built up over centuries and powered by steam powered engines, these caravans can be piloted through the tunnels to reach Umbra or several other places on the outskirts of the frozen jungle in miraculous time. However, as time has gone on, with less travel several of the lines have been decommissioned, their materials needed for more pressing matters.   In their place, those decommissioned lines instead use a more natural alternative. Large insects called urgants regularly roam the tunnels, eating smaller insects and drinking sap from the roots of trees up above. Through a great effort of training, some of these creatures have been domesticated to carry travelers, albeit with a lighter load and slower pace. All the same, it is still faster than above ground travel, assuming you don’t run into danger.   As extensive as the naturally carved tunnels are, it’s no surprise that they can also be lurking with danger. Over time, parts of the tunnels have collapsed and others have needed to be reinforced to avoid the same fate. With rivers flowing overhead, it's not uncommon for water to leak through, over time causing certain paths to flood. Also, with the myrtiks digging extensive colonies throughout the frozen jungle, it should be no surprise that they would occasionally intersect. More than one traveler has met their end due to an ambush with a myrtik hunting party.
Cave System

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