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Umbra (Umm-brah)

Sitting at the base of the volcano, Umbra has continued to live a difficult, but sustainable existence. Even without the sun, they manage to survive well enough, due to a unique and fortunate set of factors. The soil within their borders is particularly fertile due to the volcano, allowing them bountiful harvest. The townsfolk have utilized the ultraviolet qualities of their water supply by handing large transparent urns over their town, giving it an unearthly glow that sustains both their crops and the residents. With their landscape mastered, they’ve managed to survive with the essentials, with everything else needing to be brought in by traders and travelers.   In days past, one of the primary draws to travelers were the town’s hot springs. Good for your spirit and health, as the residents of Umbra say, some travelers would be so in love with them that they would delay their departure from the village for too long and be stuck in Umbra until the next day break. Even in the present with traders being only a fraction of what they once were, the hot springs are still as pleasant as always. Village traditions still lead most townsfolk to the hot springs at least once a week. It's unclear if the springs really do have health benefits, but in the cold wilderness, the heat does seem to do the body good.   Besides heating the hot springs, the volcano does a lot of good for the community. Besides the aforementioned soil, the residual heat from the volcano combined with the heat and moisture of the hot springs allow the village to be comfortable without the need for excessive clothing or fires. Luckily there has been no eruption for quite some time, but the villagers of Umbra are always prepared for it, with trenches already dug to help provide some level of defense or at least a delay tactic.   Whenever the villagers do need to defend themselves or venture into the jungle, they are often well prepared. While the furs and thick hides of the beasts of the jungle offer protection, both in their natural state and when worn as armor by the villagers, the greatest strength of Umbra is the gift of the volcano. Obsidian and various useful metals dot the landscape, allowing some to be fashioned into weapons and others into tools or armor. While they may be smaller than other cities on Venus, they are undoubtedly amongst the most well equipped.   Everyone in Umbra has a role, not one that they were assigned by any means, but one they naturally assumed. Those talented in metalworking became smiths just as those that worked well in the fields became farmers. All villagers come together to make important decisions in Umbra and while there are no true leaders in the traditional sense, certain people are held up to be pillars of the community and as such their voices are heard most often. It is generally an accepting place where one is free to help however they see fit.

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