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Vrii (Vree)

Physical Traits   Vrii are giant, sentient stone beings that tower over seven feet tall, with some reaching heights over ten feet, and weighing over 1,000 pounds. They don’t wear clothing and each one resembles a collection of different textured rocks of varying sizes, so no two vrii will look exactly alike. Each one has a center mass that glows with an inner light, the color of intensity of which will fluctuate with the mood and intensity of their emotions.   These stone beings do not need to eat or drink as their life energy sustains them. While they do not breathe, they do “exhale” waste products in the form of tiny granules of sand from all over their bodies. Like everything they do, this process takes a long time for vrii, who shed a single sand particle every couple of minutes. Additionally, vrii do not sleep like most other races, but instead enter a deep trance-like state where their light dims and they regenerate the energy they need to function.   A vrii’s most remarkable ability is being able to channel nonliving energy, siphoning it from weapons and artifacts to store in their own bodies or to transfer into other receptacles. They can also channel energy to heal themselves, but this is generally considered wasteful because a vrii’s wounds will heal if they just wait long enough. When wounded, the missing chunk or break will glow softly until the wound is healed, but this can take some time, because vrii heal much slower than organic creatures.   New vrii are not born, they are grown. Deep within Cirros Mot there are several rooms in which the crystals used to develop vrii are formed. Taking decades, whenever a crystal is ready, it will be cultivated and buried underground in the caves, only to emerge some time later a fully grown vrii with an innate knowledge of their race’s solemn duty to the Great Machine.  
History   Like most other non-native races on Venus, the vrii were created by the Atlanteans with a purpose. Much like their brethren on the red planet, these vrii were tasked with the single job of maintaining the Great Machine, the device that allowed further terraforming and richer atmosphere on Venus. During the initial activation of the Great Machine, the vrii would travel throughout the many caverns and tunnels of the mountain encasing it to make the necessary repairs and adjustments. Their days were simple and unvaried until Ra arrived on Venus millenia ago.   Upon arriving on the planet, Ra spent time personally overseeing the status of the Great Machine. Under his direction, its processes were nearly perfected, requiring little input from the vrii, rendering them largely without purpose. However, centuries later when the planet became tidally locked, the vrii became active again. Though their actual duties changed, their task was still the same. Protecting and maintaining the Great Machine was once again their noble duty. However, instead of providing energy and making minor repairs, they needed to keep the machine cool enough to function now that it was facing the sun every hour of every day.   This has been the modern state of the vrii for some time now and as a result, they are largely shut off from the world. Most of the vrii toil away in Cirros Mot’s deep caverns to bring ice to the surface. There is a smaller part of their people that are searching Venus for a more sustainable and permanent solution, but as the needs of the machine ever increase, more and more of these vrii are recalled back from their search to help cool The Great Machine.  
Culture   Vrii are long lived and slow to change, so vrii society has largely gone unchanged since their creation. The one exception to this was during the time between Ra’s maintenance of the Great Machine and the stalling of the planet. While most vrii went dormant during this time, some others did explore artistic ventures. While most of these are lost, there are many songs that still exist from this time. As they are working, many vrii will “sing” throughout the tunnels to create an otherworldly symphony.   Vrii technically answer to no one except for their creators, the Atlanteans. However, in practicality, the elder vrii do have a say in the day to day matters of their people. The main choices that are made are simply which vrii will be doing which duties, assuming there is work to be done aside from the all important machine cooling. Also, in the event of a dispute between vrii, a particularly rare event, the elders will arbitrate and take whatever actions are necessary.   While vrii do possess mouths, they are merely a superficial feature given to them by their creatures to make them more visually appealing. While they do not eat, vrii are still very much capable of speech. By vibrating their bodies to a variety of frequencies, they are able to mimic not only speech, but a variety of other sounds. This can not only allow vrii to communicate with outsiders of any race, but also allow vrii to communicate with each other both covertly and quickly.
Stats and Abilities  
  • Starting Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn
  • Starting Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower
  • Starting Experience: 85
  • Starting Skills:
Construct: Vrii do not need to eat, sleep, or breath and they are unaffected by toxins and poisons. However, standard medicine checks can not be used for healing Vrii and instead they must depend on their life absorption abilities to heal themselves or natural recovery over time.   Stonebody: As beings made of living rock, Vrii are much more resilient than most other species and +2 to their wound threshold.   Elder Vrii: Some of the oldest and largest Vrii stand nearly ten feet tall. If your Vrii falls into this category, decrease your starting xp by 5, increase your wounds threshold and encumbrance threshold by 2. Double their encumbrance value. You are now silhouette 2.

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