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The (former) Lord of London

  Mithras was a Fourth Generation Ventrue methuselah who ruled for centuries in Europe as the Prince of London and monarch of the Baronies of Avalon. Thought to come from Persia, Mithras was embraced in 1258 BCE in his Mid-20s. Before being embraced, Mithras was a soldier in the Persian army, rising through the ranks and fighting with his fellow soldiers. During a war a rebel entered his tent and silenced him using their own vampiric strength and offering him either everlasting life or death. Taking life, little is known of Mithras until much later in life in Avalon, also known as Great Britain and London.   Mithras became the Prince of London and ruler of Avalon, ruling the vampires of Great Britain from his base of power. Driven to torpor during World War 2, he awoke in 1996 before being attacked. Still trying to regain his strength, the Cult of Mithras was attempting to find the artifacts that would do such until they failed during Operation Antigen and Mithras was diablerized by Montgomery Coven.  


  Mithras was of medium height, with a compact and slightly muscular build, swarthy skin for a vampire, classically handsome features, dark eyes, and dark hair worn shoulder-length in loose curb. He normally wore a soft cloth hat of some sort, preferring the ancient Phrygian cap. He preferred loose clothing that did not impede movement.  
Mithras is the dark centre of London, and certainly of my existence – a sun so deep it swallows all other light.
Name Mithras Alias Lord of London The Prince of Light The Conqueror of Britain The Lord of Light The Sun Bringer of Light Gender Male Age 3270 Death 2012 (Diablerized) Clan Ventrue Generation 4th Sire Veddartha Children Cretheus (c. 430 BCE) Marcus Verus (192 CE) Duke of Amber (701 CE) Duchess of Amber (701 CE) Geraint Allegiance Cult of Mithras Rank Former Prince of London Former Monarch of the Baronies of Avalon Location London