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Viktor Moldovan

Victor is a tall, gaunt figure with a twisted, grotesque appearance. He has a bald head, and his skin is stretched tight across his bones, giving him a skeletal appearance. His eyes are sunken and dark, and his teeth are elongated and razor-sharp. He is covered in a thick layer of mottled, discolored skin and has several open sores and wounds on his body.   Despite his grotesque appearance, Viktor is highly intelligent and resourceful. An expert in the art of stealth and is able to move around undetected, even in the most heavily guarded of places. He is also skilled in the use of disguise, and can easily blend in with mortals to avoid detection.   Viktor is a loyal member of the Camarilla and has a deep understanding of vampire politics. He is willing to do whatever it takes to protect the sect and its secrets, even if it means working with a group of adventurers to steal a powerful relic. Despite his loyalty, Viktor is a solitary creature and prefers to work alone. He is not one to share his thoughts or feelings and is not particularly adept at working in a team. He is also not one to take orders, and will only work with the group if he sees a benefit to himself.   Viktor is dressed in a tattered, ill-fitting suit, with a long coat to cover his grotesque body. He carries a small backpack with him that contains a few basic tools and supplies. He also carries a small silver dagger, which he uses to defend himself in case of combat.


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