The Hidden Origins is currently undergoing reconstruction. Please bear with Amelia Nite as things move around and get situated in their new home. Some names, places, items, etc. are also in the process of changing, so some article titles are inconsistent currently.

Calendars and Time

The Nira Era


The Tepyre Era


Months, Weekdays, & Seasons


Earth Equivalent Thaouta Months
January Mainn
February Wer
March Holdern
April Caal
May Zegruk
June Juann
July Esennan
August Mek
September Senn
October Zep
November Melwe
December Gok

Celestial Bodies

The sun, known as Llora, travels once around Olraocury in 364 days, visiting the twelve sanctions in an appointed location near the end of each month that never varies.   The great moon, called Reihiri, waxes and wanes in fixed cycles of 28 days (Reihiri’s cycle governs the Kourian Dominion's "Hatching Cycle"). Each lunar cycle marks the passage of one month, which is further subdivided into four weeks of seven days each.


Earth Equivalent Thaouta Weekdays Task
Sunday Aderkirth Work
Monday Xiphugi Work
Tuesday Visalbe Work
Wednesday Nord Worship
Thursday Wanah Work
Friday Pidhu Work
Saturday Udi Rest


Earth Equivalent Thaouta Seasons
Spring Runn
Summer Medhai
Autumn Elugaann
Winter Viwradoz


Eras Years
Chonis Era Year 1723 - 1 CE
Pimorta Era Year 0 - 2373 PE
Giukaz Era Year 2340 - 5789 GE
Nira Era Year 5790 - 6430 NE
Tepyre Era Year 6431 - ??? TE


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