Lucifer Character in Hidn | World Anvil


Some may hold the belief that this entity, Lucifer, was fashioned by a being they refer to as "god," but in truth, Lucifer emerged from the pure essence of the one divine mind. His mission was to act as a spy, observing Yaldabaoth from within a male guise. Recognizing Lucifer's strength and wisdom, Yaldabaoth took him in as his adopted son. As Yaldabaoth discovered the existence of other gods and creations within the universes he crafted, he assembled an army of beings we now know as angels, harnessing Lucifer's power. Impressed by Lucifer's capabilities, Yaldabaoth tasked one of his archons, Yabel, with forging a sword infused with the fire of the first morning star. This weapon was so scorching that it could ignite reality itself.   Abraxas learned of this blade bestowed upon Lucifer and, using her uncle Vintrius's light, crafted a mirror blade, whispering "Abrakadabra" to infuse it with half of her power. She presented this blade to Lucifer as a fail-safe, in case he ever needed to confront and overcome Yaldabaoth.   As Lucifer triumphed in wars across the multiverse for Yaldabaoth, he was bestowed various names such as "Morning Star," "Light Bearer," "Jesus," and "Hova." These titles reverberated through the galaxies, striking fear into gods and lifeforms alike.   Abraxas, weakened by her endeavors, asked one final task of Lucifer before entering an eternal slumber. His mission was to enter the Garden she had created, converse with the beings there, and reveal the truth about the Tree of Knowledge. He was to enlighten them, informing them that consuming from the tree would free them from Yaldabaoth's control and restore their strength, matching his own.   To carry out this task undetected, Lucifer assumed the form of a snake, slithering past Yaldabaoth and his archons to engage the beings within the garden. He spoke to them, urging them to eat from the Tree of Knowledge and break free from Yaldabaoth's dominion.



Spy (Vital)

Towards Abraxas




Mother (Vital)

Towards Lucifer




Brother (Trivial)

Towards Yaldbaoth




Brother (Vital)

Towards Lucifer



Parents (Adopting)


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