Aya Miyoko (アヤ ミヨコ A-ya Mi-yo-ko)

Aya Miyoko, was born in 1992 in the bustling city of Tokyo, Japan. Life dealt her a challenging hand being an overworked mother with a husband who showed little care for her well-being and a neurotypical child. A pivotal moment in Aya's life unfolded when an incident, stemming from her neglectful husband's inability to cope with their child's abilities and dysfunctions, results in her serving four years in prison. In the aftermath, her husband seized custody of their child and abruptly relocates, severing the familial ties that once bound them in Tokyo.   Motivated by the desperate desire to reunite with her estranged daughter, Aya takes the risky choice of Joining a Yakuza Group. With a keen awareness of the Yakuza's influence and power, she thinks about the idea of joining their ranks. Aya envisions ascending through the criminal hierarchy, amassing enough wealth and influence to learn her daughter's whereabouts. Her somewhat delusional hope rests on the slim chance of winning a custody battle, should the opportunity ever present itself.   Aya is not inherently drawn to violence. In fact, she is often the last to initiate conflict, preferring a more passive approach. However, this passivity can prove to be a double-edged sword, leaving her indecisive in critical situations where the line between incapacitating a foe and facing a lethal consequence becomes blurred. Aya's struggle with decision-making mirrors her internal conflict, torn between the pursuit of justice for her family and the risk of succumbing to the ruthless nature of the criminal underworld.   She also is a devoted chain smoker. The pungent aroma of tobacco frequently surrounds her as she grapples with the habit, aware of its detrimental impact on her health. Despite the knowledge of its harm, she remains addicted, finding solace and moments of peace in the comforting embrace of a afternoon smoke, even as it threatens to further complicate her life.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aya's physical appearance is a strong contrast of practicality and a touch of individuality. Adorned in a basic black suit, she wears a distinctive harness around the shirt, showcasing a practical and no-nonsense approach. The small heels on her shoes add a subtle elevation to her stature, hinting at both professionalism and a dash of feminine poise.   Her black hair, tinged with a subtle hint of blue, frame her face with a touch of uniqueness. Light blue-greyish eyes reflect a mixture of resilience and depth, hinting at the complexities within. Subtle pinkish-red lipstick graces her lips, adding a touch of warmth to her presence. A standout black tie around her neck becomes a focal point, lending a hint of sophistication and a nod to a more formal past.   Aya's physical build carries an average frame, yet with a distinct motherly shape, hinting at a nurturing side that contrasts with the harsh realities she faces. A small amount of muscle subtly underscores her strenghts.
Player : Raine Desidia
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Hidora Clan Rookie
Date of Birth
July 14th
Year of Birth
1992 29 Years old
Japan, Osaka
5ft 6inch (170cm)
122lbs (55kg)
Aligned Organization


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