Geomeun Kkot (검은 꽃 Gaw-Moon Koi)

The Geomeun Kkot, translated as "Black Flower," is a mafia-like organization that originated in South Korea and established a foothold in Tokyo's underworld during the 1980s. There, it became adversaries with the larger and more extremist Korean mafia known as the Jingweon Mafia.   The Geomeun Kkot is comprised of MMA fighters and mercenaries trained in hand-to-hand combat and weapon use, including pistols and traditional Korean melee weapons. Their typical attire includes dark clothing, combat boots, and black jackets.   The organization is known for its creed, "born in the flames of Hell's Kitchen," which obligates its members to help those in need rather than allowing individuals of Korean origin to grow up without their cultural heritage. This principle often brings them into conflict with Jingweon operatives.    Additionally, any murder of a Geomeun member must be avenged by killing the perpetrator, or the entire organization risks being shamed.   Similarly, while the Geomeun Kkot is not inclined to kill unless ordered to do so by their leader, they are very strict about this code. If they commit a revenge killing, they will report themselves to the police and face imprisonment, unlike the Jingweon Mafia, with whom they sometimes clash.    The Geomeun Kkot is also more open to cooperating with other criminal organizations such as the Yakuza and law enforcement, as long as they can remain hidden in the shadows of the city's slums.
Founding Date
Illicit, Gang
Alternative Names
Black Flower


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