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Loth'tor Yrjixtilex

Loth'tor Yrjixtilex

My earliest memory was of a voice, one that has echoed in my head since I was a fledgling. A voice, that I’ve only ever heard in my dreams. My father told me it was a voice of the ancestors echoing through my blood, but I, Loth’tor, of pure white dragon linage should not have an ancestor that looks like the one in my dreams, such luster, like diamonds glistening in the sun. It calls out to me every night, the sheer beauty of crystalline dust floating through the air as it spreads it majestic wings ever captivates my mind. I would wake every morning trying to flex the non-existent muscles in my back, yearning to take the form of the entity in my dreams, but the sensation would always fade. There was no sadness that followed the realization that I was but a dragonborn, only a drive to make myself more. I spent endless hours, day after day, all my youth, in studies trying to track down this voice, this image. Every clue and hint I took into memory. The head scribe Akbiri, right hand advisor to the Vanquisher Yrjixtilex Kallan misconstrued this as a dedication to the studies and assigned me to study under her to learn more of this new land, and took me under her wing (Proverbially) at the age of eight. There were no complaints from me, since Akbiri held the oldest and most sacred texts of our ancestors, and received new religious books from this world regularly I remember what happened next like it was yesterday. I had been tutoring under Akbiri for five year and we had acquired enough material from this new world to require a larger study. My task was simple, to move everything. Book after book, scroll after scroll, loose parchment, tables filled with sheets of paper in languages I’m only now beginning to understand. I moved them all, and with each trip the material was getting older, and more delicate. We were nearing the end of the move when it happened:   I walked into Akbiri’s private study, the moon shining through the window was illuminating my way. There was only one stack of scrolls left, I reach forwards to dust them off, when the scales on the back of my neck stood on end. The dust seemed to float in the air grabbing the moonlight and not letting it go, shining like lustrous gemstones. For a moment it appeared to take the shape of a crystalline goddess, the one from my dreams. In fear of losing this chance I instinctively reached out to grab her, only to have the dust weave itself into my claw, causing my body to mirror beauty I had seen every night my entire life. I reveled in the immense power that I felt, only to feel that power, and my power slip quickly into darkness. When I awoke, I heard yelling, and confusion. What happened before I passed out slowly started coming back to me, I opened my eyes in a panic only to see white scales covering my entire body once more, and the room around me in ashes. The screaming and yelling were not a group of people but Akbiri trying to get me to wake up. Her anger was immediately apparent, I had destroyed the last stack of scrolls after all, but her concern for my wellbeing had trumped that. I explained what had happened, and her anger quickly retreated being replaced with a look of pure intrigue. It was at this moment that I learned what a sorcerer was. Akbiri gave me her side of what had just occurred. She said there was blinding white light, no sounds, nor explosion, just a pure, blinding radiant glow that had shown out of every crack and hole in the tower. As soon as she had seen it, she ran quickly to my side to make sure I was safe. I was apparently covered in very fine translucent dust and she has brushed it off me, worried I had started on fire or something. We had gotten settled into the new tower, accepting that the old one was a lost cause, and thanks to my “eruption”, there wasn’t anything left to move anyways. This was the first, and only time I talked about my dream to someone. She was receptive, but I could see a hint of worry in her eyes. After I finished telling her what had happened, she started to frantically run around the hut looking for something, before finally finding a box, one I had never seen before. In this box was a small empty parchment and a large red ruby. She handed me the ruby and it immediately started to glow, so brightly it lit up the entire hut a brilliant crimson red. She handed me the parchment and said that it was all she could do for me. The blank parchment illuminated by the red glow was now filled with words, written in a very old draconic dialect. It was short and to the point, it started with addressing the reader as “ Dragon of new”   “Dragon of New, If you’re reading this your veins run strong with the blood of my kin, blessed by the god of Secrets and Witt, Sardior. This note is proof of your power, and the glow is proof of your gem lineage. You have awoken now venture forth and seek your brethren. For you’re not the only one   ~Eldenser 210 DR “ – ( - Note the rumor section at the end))   The ruby in my claw started to shine brighter yet, the air around it bending under the immense heat it was putting off. I continued to hold the stone, through what I had initially thought was sheer willpower, only to have it take on A purple hue, causing the red ink on the parchment to dissipate. I lifted the ruby to eye level trying to figure out what happened, and it became immediately apparent. The ruby had not changed at all, there was however a constant and steady ray of chilling blue light emanating from my palm, hitting the ruby, frosting it over then instantly melting, keeping my hand safe. This went on for a few moments before the energy from my palm dissipated and the ruby landed on my hand immediately burning me. I dropped it to the floor before once again promptly passing out. This time, when I came to, I was in the bed of the study, Akbiri was holding a wet cloth to my head. She helped me sit up and told me, while I was out she spoke with the Vanquisher about my awakening. After going over the letter once more, none of the sorcerers of the court could activate the stone. My awakening doesn’t align with any of our clans linage and appears to be worldy to this plane. At the age of 13 I received my first proper task from the Vanquisher himself, to seek out the “others” spoken of in the ancient text from this world, and to further my powers to strengthen our ranks.

Mental characteristics


Yes please, two of them actually.

Mental Trauma

Fears that he will never fit in. Built up a charismatic personality to ensure he always has a place by peoples side.

Morality & Philosophy

Everyone has a goal, and a right to reach their goal, as along as they work true to it.  When your goals conflict with another's, may the best man win.

Personality Characteristics


Short term goals : Further my strength as a sorcerer; Increase my knowledge of these lands, their inhabitants and their deities. ; Track down information on Gem dragons.   Long term goal: Locate Eldenser or lore about him to better understand the source of my power and how it could have possibly came from this Dimension.   Life Goal: Find out where I belong, make it my home, and prosper there.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes / Curiosities - Magics of all sorts. Learning the unknown, trying to learn the unknown. Expanding his knowledge.... monocle.     Dislikes - People who can't think for themselves. Those who devote themselves to a god, so much so that they forget they are beings with free will.

Virtues & Personality perks

Unyielding urge to learn new things. Magic, history, philosophy etc.

Vices & Personality flaws

Seldom turns down a drink when offered.

Personality Quirks

Very poor at backing down. Reads social cues very well and pushes them as far as he can to get his way.


Well kept, minus demon blood here and there some times


Contacts & Relations

Contacts:   Akbiri - Mentor, and friend, basically raised Loth'tor from 8 to 13 imparted knowledge and guided growth. Well trusted.

Hobbies & Pets

Obsessed with the dragons of this land big and small. Wants a Pet fairy dragon. ( Or mimic <3)

Loth'tor Yrjixtilex, born 1461 DR, Son of Kal'roth and Surina

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Chaotic Neutral

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