
Intelligence 2
Strength 4
Charisma 0
Coordination 2
Luck 3
Magic 3
Insight 0
Stealth 0
Perception 2
Agility 4
The fairy is a creature very little is known about. Functionally immortal creatures that have the ability to travel between the realm of fairies and the realms of mortals.  


Fairies originate in the realm of the fairies, which no mortal has ever seen. Fairies speak of it occasionally when in mortal realms, but mortal language has always appeared insufficient to describe their home realm in any real specificity. One fact that has been confirmed by fairies themselves is that they are not born, but rather created mature and intelligent in the realm of fairies.   As far as mortal realms go, the fairies seem to travel most often to the realm of High Million. It is unknown why the fairies frequent this world more often than others. Some speculate that High Million has a thinner barrier between the spiritual planes and the mortal ones, as compared to other mortal realms like Alterra.   Fairies still were known to travel to other mortal worlds a long time ago. After the Great Closing, no fairy has ever spoken of doing so, however.  


The abilities of fairies in their home realm are largely unknown. It is thought that they can reach other spiritual realms with great ease, particularly the Light Realm and perhaps the Fields of Serenity. Their activities in these spiritual realms may influence events or individuals in mortal realms.   In mortal realms, fairies usually travel at the size of most insects, flying mostly unnoticed. They can also briefly increase in size to that of a human, usually for easier communication with mortals.   If given a specific mandate in a realm of mortals, fairies will maintain their larger size indefinitely. In their larger form, a fairy possesses strength much greater than a typical human. They also maintain the ability of flight, though at a slower maximum speed. Depending on their mandate, they may possess any number of talents, including but not limited to combat prowess, diplomatic acumen, or knowledge of multiple languages.  


Fairies exclusively appear as females in all sightings by mortals. It is thought that fairies' spirits are all inherently female, and that there are no male fairies. No fairy has ever contradicted this assertion.   Fairies all possess butterfly-like wings, each one with a unique color pattern. They usually wear colorful, loose-fitting dresses that match the pattern of their wings. The exception, of course, is fairies under mandate, who will wear whatever clothes is necessary to complete their given task.  

Interactions in Mortal Realms


Fairies most often engage with mortals in order to give them messages. These messages can range from guidance to prophecies. A fairy's delivery of a message is often brief and generally is not given to the same person more than once.


Quite rarely, a fairy may be given a mandate, a specific mission in the realm of mortals. This mandate will require the fairy to spend extended periods of time in the mortal realm, in their larger form. The fairy will not return to the realm of the fairies until their mandate is complete.   Mandates can be a variety of tasks - guarding a specific mortal, rendering long-term spiritual, mental, or emotional guidance, or something else known only to the fairy in question. There are recorded instances of even the fairy herself not being aware of the specifics of her mandate. Regardless, the fairy will always have enough knowledge to be in the right area or around the correct person to complete her mandate.  


In extremely rare cases, a fairy may fall in love with a mortal, and choose to remain in the mortal realm permanently to marry said mortal. If the mortal agrees to this marriage, the fairy will become mortal herself, being given a typical human lifespan in line with her husband. Given that fairies are ageless until they are made mortal, they possess great wisdom, although their mental age is closer to a human's 20's. As such, a fairy will only fall in love with a human male in their twenties. A fairy's mental age will then progress as a normal human would once made mortal.   Biologically, a fairy cannot bear human children. As such, any children of a human-fairy marriage will necessarily be adopted. While this will end the bloodline of the human male who chooses to marry a fairy, the adopted children will receive the Motherhood blessing of a fairy. This unique blessing will manifest in not only the fairy being an exceptional and loving mother, but also all the descendants of the adopted children will be blessed. Several humans have gladly made the choice to adopt children with a fairy wife to receive this rare blessing.


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