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This world is split into four main kingdoms with smaller fiefs surrounding it. The continent is about the size of Africa and is shaped like a rugged triangle. It is roughly medieval technology level, with a few variances. It has a growing magic system based around items storing energy. The Temple is on an island and is where Wizards are trained. Kingdom 1: Endsrill. This kingdom is the most dangerous because of the occupants, and as such is surrounded by massive uncrossable mountain ranges with a small exit to the world. This exit is blocked by a tall and heavily defended wall. The occupants are all human, but most carry curses that come out on various occasions (bloodmoon, eclipse, by choice if the creature has learned how. The three main curses are Lycanthropy, Vampire's blood, and the Hallow. Others are rarer and generally are considered myths. The Kingdom's ruler is unknown as no one dared venture inside long enough to find out. Kingdom 2: Vulcrum. A harsh and mountainous region. Volcanos are common and the temperature and climate hostile. The main species are a humanoid/dragon crossbreed that have adapted to the harsh temperatures. They mine Vulcainium from the inside of the volcanos. They worship the dragons and other draconic species (wyverns, drakes) and are generally hostile to outsiders. It is believed they could crush any other country in military combat. Little is know of there leadership. Kingdom 3: Solairus Sciencium. They are a technologically minded country and are lead by the Archduke of Solum. The primary species are humans and elves, with a few other variants. They are the economic powerhouse and lead the world trade, culture, and science. They have the most advanced military, yet it is small and not very dangerous. They often mediate between other countries disputes. Kingdom 4: Freedmens Land. This is the most unique country inhabitant wise. It is often known as the Trimurvate as it has Humans, Elves, and Dwarves living peacefully in equal numbers. They are lead by a queen, with the kings consort as a second. They have a strict set of laws for each species and are very militeristic. They have been known to start feuds with other countries over small things.

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