Tonashian Dwarfs
Tonashian Dwarf is a wide term used to describe the dwarfs native to West Highrune. Mostly all of them are Hill Dwarfs.
For Hill Dwarfs, the family is very much based around a fraternal order. Dwarfs believe that brothers have the same responsibility as a father to their sibling's offsprings.The brother of my father is my father, The son of my father's brother is my brother, we all sons and brothers here.This rule was made after the role of the female in the family became more dominant as she produced all the offsprings and she was the ruler of the family tree, but not a matriarch. If a female is the head of the family its because she is the first born and she has the same right as male dwarfs, not because she is considered higher then them.
Major organizations
The Twelve Clans Are the ruler clans of West Highrune and it is the Hill Dwarfs Kingdom.
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
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