High King Gildaine, The Eternal King

The King of Kings, His Eternal Eminence

    Lord Gildaine is the immortal ruler of High Kingdom of Hartho. His crowning achievement remains as the most long lived human of all time and the longest reigning king. This accomplishment exceeds the rule of even the most long lived Elvin lords in their ancient woods.
  His true origins are too ancient to escape the force of myth and legend and little truth can be gleaned from the old propaganda papers of Hartho's history. Every hundred years or so, he awakens from his slumber in an event many call The Quickening. In such an event the Lord Dictator descends from his position of power and all Hartho bows to his direct bidding as written in the Constitution of Lords.
  His newest dictate is to expand across the Great Sea and across the edge of the world, finding new lands and resources. Fifty years have passed since this command, and Aenia's Rest is the newest settlement to grace Hartho's long list of realms. Though a port city, it is far from his realm of influence.
Portrait taking during the 1600th year of his reign, in 1620 AGB.
High King of the Eternal Empire of Hartho Reign 20th September, 20 AGB– Now Coronation 19 September, 22 AGB Predecessor Gilbert IV Successor None   Born 20th Twicember 0 AGB Godfrey's Palace, Chavantecyshire, Central Hartho   Age 2231 years old   Issue: None Names The Eldest,
The Most Highborne,
The Eternal High King
The Ouroboros
  House Ourobon Father Gilbert IV Mother @Maribeth of Monte'darbe Religions Joshuan (Practiced)
Ourbouron (Figure Head)