
All across Hijr, people know of the troublesome fish known as the Fanghi.
While an individual fish is not a concern for most people, the creatures habit of gathering in large schools can be troublesome, or even downright dangerous due to the fish's painful bite.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Once hatched from their eggs, Fanghi grow rapidly and reach full maturity and mating age at 1 year old.
Fanghi typically lay 1 to 2 clutches of eggs in their lifetime, about once a year.
like many fish species these eggs are laid in tufts of underwater foliage or rock formations and are fertilized by a male externally.
Eggs typically incubate for 3 weeks in cold water, or 2 weeks in warmer waters.

The average Fanghi lives to be as old a 4 years, but on rare occasions and with proper nutrition they can live to be as old as 7 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Unlike many fish, Fanghi can adapt to live in fresh or salt water. In addition they can adapt to arctic temperatures as easily as tropical waters.
When a Fanghi is born it is perfectly adapted to live comfortably in whatever waters it's parents are living in.
Should a Fanghi relocate to a new location or habitat, it becomes acclimated after as little as a month, and after that month both it and any offspring it births are perfectly suited for that climate.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fanghi are obligate carnivores, meaning they require a diet of 90% or more of animal proteins to survive.
While they can live for very short times off of algae and underwater plants, they typically require either fish, insect or other sources of meat to remain health and nourished.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Loose, disorganized school


Cannot be domesticated

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Often fished by intelligent species as a food source, or stocked in moats or similar water features as a 'Guard animal'

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Simple movement based eyesight, up to about 60 ft.
Eyesight works well in low light or darkness.
Scientific Name
Piscium Parvus Shinayim
4 years
Average Height
3.5 Inches
Average Weight
8 - 10 oz
Average Length
6 Inches
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Speckled grey or black body and back.
Some orange or red coloration on stomach and face.


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