
"Truth and justice are like bamboo, flexible yet strong, and an excellent weapon when needed" - Gaja Elder, speaking to a traveler.   Gaja are a dark-skinned, small eared Loxodon. They are the second largest tribe, and tend to travel between the Indlovu to the north and the Slon to the south.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Alya, Anisa, Asih, Bathari, Bulan, Cahaya, Cinta, Dewi, Dwi, Eka, Ewa, Indah, Kadek, Ketut, Kusuma, Lestari, Madi, Melati, Putri, Ratu, Siti, Utari, Widya, Wulan, Yuliana.

Masculine names

Adi, Aditya, Agung, Budi, Cahya, Daud, Dwi, Guntur, Harta, Hidayat, Iskandar, Jusuf, Kusuma, Nur, Nyoman, Putra, Rahjaro, Ratna, Sri, Susilo, Tirto, Tri, Wahyu, Wibawa, Yuda.

Unisex names

Dian, Eko, Ketul, Megak, Putu, Trut.

Family names

Acharya, Ahuja, Bakshi, Dalal, Kohli, Lal, Mangal, Zachari.
Encompassed species
Languages spoken


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