Kazaht Species in Hijr | World Anvil

Kazaht (CAW-zot)

Mighty Kazaht, sometimes incorrectly referred to as Dire Cattle, are a breed of Aurochs. This ancient lineage of bovine stems from the primordial age of Hijr, and have been somewhat domesticated by the Orc and Goblin tribes of northern Grande Rocc.

Basic Information


Resembling a typical cow or bull, these creatures are stockier and more muscular than their more common bovine cousins. Standing nearly 6ft at the shoulder, and weighing 2,500 to 3,000 lbs on average, these incredibly powerful cattle can easily be distinguished.

Genetics and Reproduction

Traditional Mammalian Coupling, sexual reproduction.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Deeply social in nature, Kazaht typically live in herds of 15 to 20. Though much larger herds have been recorded in the past.

Each herd is ruled over by 1 to 3 Alpha females, they get first choice from the available males.
Young males are often kicked from their origin herd, and roam alone for 3 to 5 years before joining a different herd to mate. This helps to ensure genetic diversity.


While Kazaht are strong willed and very physically powerful, they make surprisingly loyal and preotective allies if raised by hand from infancy. Orc and Goblin tribes often keep these creatures, raising them as both beasts of burden and as valued warriors, treating them almost like equal parts of their tribe.
If a Kazaht raised by Orcs or Goblins is killed in battle, it is given a warriors funeral, and is not consumed. However those that are raised like pets or beasts of burden are often eaten when they can no longer aid the owner as needed.

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While their eyesight isn't terribly acute, they are very good at spotting sudden movements within 60 ft of themselves even in low light.
Scientific Name
Bovidae Primus
20 to 25 years.
Conservation Status
While quite rare on a global scale, there are still several thriving herds in the subarctic tundra and grasslands at the northern end of the continent.
Average Height
5 Ft 10 In at the shoulder.
Average Weight
2,500 to 3,000 lbs.
Average Length
10 to 12 ft. Nose to Tail.
Average Physique
Muscular and dense.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Usually Dark brown to black, with slightly lighter Grey or Tan stripe down back.
Geographic Distribution


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