Ogrom Ethnicity in Hijr | World Anvil


Original art: https://ko-fi.com/post/---Maghar-Orc-Warrior-J3J5MG5N
"Savage warriors from the north. They stalk the badlands and tundra, raiding and pillaging anyone crossing their territory, and building palisade fortresses to act as way points along their hunting paths." - A one armed villager, looking about fearfully.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Agu, Aivema, Brulda, Cagveem, Dema, Edgu, Ekga, Fedgu, Gagveema, Hegga, Imvela, Izgu, Jagga, Kagra, Lagveema, Matu, Negve, Oagu, Olgu, Prevam, Reguul, Sheema, Talgu, Uaga, Ulgu, Veemas, Welgma, Yekveema, Yulgu.

Masculine names

Aga, Brek, Brivik, Cartek, Cutal, Dorn, Ekeg, Farl, Gromm, Hedan, Ivit, Joom, Juka, Krog, Kugra, Lagam, Motus, Nutam, Prekkam, Qeko, Queva, Regvu, Slend, Tagak, Tugrel, Uvdek, Vetek, Wiliv, Xedeg, Zaula, Zuved.

Unisex names

Arda, Briv, Culga, Dren, Elta, Hove, Imidak, Joog, Latgu, Molok, Natgro, Pragam, Rutro, Shedek, Teg, Udog, Ukeg, Vorn, Xedek.

Family names

Ogroma, Oggro, Gromm.


Major language groups and dialects

All Ogrom speak a northern Grande Rocc dialect of Orc. Most also speak common.

Shared customary codes and values

Warfare, Hunting and Raiding are key to Ogrom culture. Only those who display militaristic talent and strength can gain standing in the tribe. Those who cannot, or will not, fight are called the 'Lesser', and are treated as second class citizens.

Common Dress code

Ogrom wear red stained armor and leathers, implying bloodshed and strength. However the 'Lesser' are not permitted to wear red, as a sign of their lower station.

Art & Architecture

The Ogrom do not make art, in the traditional sense, however they do paint and hang skulls and other war trophies.

Coming of Age Rites

When a young Ogrom reaches 8 years, they are taken from their mother and begin military training. At 12 they endure Trial by combat, usually on an active battlefield (however a dual against a more senior soldier if no active conflicts are available). If they survive trial by combat they are considered a full adult, and begin active military service.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Honored warriors that die in combat are afforded a full funeral pyre, with honors and shaman rituals.

Honored warriors that die in non-combat situations are placed upon a pyre and burned, then their ashes are used to make Black or Grey Dye.

Youth or 'Lesser' that perish are stacked on a stone slab outside the village, and left in the sun for the vultures.

Common Taboos

All warriors in Ogrom society get tattoos to commemorate fortuitous or challenging battles. These tattoos typically reflect the date and nature of the conflict (written in Orcish), and the color or design will imply the outcome of that conflict.


Beauty Ideals

Ogrom find strength to be the most attractive feature in another orc. Ogrom warriors openly display war trophies and scars as a sign of this kind of strength.

Gender Ideals

Little distinction is made between Male and Female in Ogrom culture, with the exception of pregnancy and child-rearing. Females are expected to cease warfare and raiding while their offspring are gestating or nursing, remaining at the Tribestead and working with the 'Lesser' (those who cannot or will not fight) on more domestic tasks. Once the child can walk, the mother may return to her former duties.

Courtship Ideals

Ogrom courtship is simple. The Chieftain or Shaman of the tribe matches pairs of similar strength, and those two mate and produce offspring until one of them perishes in combat (or by other means).

Relationship Ideals

Mated pairs are expected to fight side by side whenever the female isn't raising a child.


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