Deep Speech

Natively known as: D̠ř̠uúap /d̠ɹ̠ʊʌæp/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
dʼa lũ mlee w̃ash kll̝̊oon dʰetˤ dʼa thĩtʼ kll̝̊oon uts gʰú̃bʼ vääyr̂ nrẫẫv̥
Pronunciation: /dʼæ lʊ̃ mlɛː w̃æɕ kʟ̝̊oːn dʰɛtˤ dʼæ tʰĩtʼ kʟ̝̊oːn ʊts ɡʰʌ̃bʼ ʋäːjɾ nrə̃ːʋ̥/
D̠ř̠uúapian word order: and he stood holding hat his and turned his face wet the wind to  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: /b bʰ bʲ bʼ bˤ bβ c cç cʎ̝̊ d dʰ dʲ dʼ dˤ d̠ɹ̠ dɹ̝ h j j̃ j̊ k kʰ kʲ kʼ kˤ kʟ̝̊ l lʲ lˤ l̼ m m̰m̥h n n̰n̥h p pʰ pʲ pʼ pˤ p̪f pɸ qʟ̝̠̊ r r̥ s sʲ sˤ t tʰ tʲ tʼ tˤ t̠ɹ̠̊ t̪θ t̼ɬ̼ ts tɬ tɹ̝̊ w w̃ x xʲ xˤ ð̼ ħ ŋ ŋ̰ŋ̊h ǀ ǂ ǂ̠ ɓ ɓ̥ ɕ ɖ ɗ ɗ̥ ɟʝ ɠ ɠ̥ ɡ ɡʰ ɡʲ ɡʼ ɡˤ ɡʟ̝ ɢʟ̝̠ ɣ ɣ̃ ɬ ɬ̼ ɭ ɮ ɮʲ ɮʷ ɮʷʲ ɮ̃ ɮ̃ʲ ɮ̃ʷ ɮ̃ʷʲ ɴ ɴ̰ɴ̥h ɸ ɹ ɹʲ ɹˤ ɹ̃ ɹ̥ ɽ̊r̥ ɽ̠̊r̥ ɽr ɾ ɾ̥ ʀ ʀʷ ʀ̥ ʀ̥ʷ ʄ ʄ̥ ʈ ʋ ʋ̥ ʋ̥̼ ʋ̼ ʍ ʎ̝̊ ʑ ʔ ʘ ʛ ʛ̥ ʜ ʟ ʟ̝̊ ʟ̝̠̊ ʟ̠ θ̼ ᶑ/
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Linguo-labial Dental Alveolar Retroflex Alveolo-palatal Palatal Velar Uvular Pharyngeal Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ ɴ
Stop p pʰ pʼ pʲ pˤ b bʰ bʼ bʲ bˤ t tʰ tʼ tʲ tˤ d dʰ dʼ dʲ dˤ ʈ ɖ c k kʰ kʼ kʲ kˤ ɡ ɡʰ ɡʼ ɡʲ ɡˤ ʔ
Implosive ɓ ɓ̥ ɗ ɗ̥ ʄ ʄ̥ ɠ ɠ̥ ʛ ʛ̥
Affricate pɸ bβ p̪f t̪θ cç ɟʝ
Fricative ɸ θ̼ ð̼ s sʲ sˤ ɕ ʑ x xˤ xʲ ɣ ɣ̃ ħ h
Approximant ʋ ʋ̥ ɹ ɹˤ ɹʲ ɹ̃ ɹ̥ j j̃ j̊
Tap ɾ ɾ̥
Trill r̥ r ɽ̊r̥ ɽr ʀ ʀ̥ ʀʷ ʀ̥ʷ ʜ
Lateral fricative ɬ̼ ɬ ɮ ɮʷ ɮʲ ɮʷʲ ɮ̃ ɮ̃ʷ ɮ̃ʲ ɮ̃ʷʲ ʎ̝̊ ʟ̝̊
Lateral approximant l lʲ lˤ ɭ ʟ ʟ̠
Click ʘ ǀ ǂ
  Co-articulated phonemes
↓Manner/Place→ Labial-velar
Approximant ʍ w w̃
  Vowel inventory: /ai ä äː ä̃ ä̃ː i iæo iɛæʊ iː ĩ ĩː o oː õ õː æ æː æ̃ æ̃ː ɑ ɑɛo ɑː ɑ̃ ɑ̃ː ɔ ɔʌʊ ɔː ɔ̃ ɔ̃ː ə əː ə̃ ə̃ː ɛ ɛː ɛ̃ ɛ̃ː ɤ ɤː ɤ̃ ɤ̃ː ɨu ɪ ɪː ɪ̃ ɪ̃ː ɪ̈ ɪ̈ː ɪ̈̃ ɪ̈̃ː ʊ ʊæɛi ʊʌæ ʊː ʊ̃ ʊ̃ː ʊ̈ ʊ̈ː ʊ̈̃ ʊ̈̃ː ʌ ʌæ ʌː ʌ̃ ʌ̃ː/   Diphthongs: ai, iæo, iɛæʊ, ɑɛo, ɔʌʊ, ɨu, ʊæɛi, ʊʌæ, ʌæ
Front Central Back
High i ĩ iː ĩː
Near-high ɪ ɪ̃ ɪ̈ ɪ̈̃ ɪː ɪ̃ː ɪ̈ː ɪ̈̃ː ʊ ʊ̃ ʊ̈ ʊ̈̃ ʊː ʊ̃ː ʊ̈ː ʊ̈̃ː
High-mid ɤ ɤ̃ ɤː ɤ̃ː o õ oː õː
Mid ə ə̃ əː ə̃ː
Low-mid ɛ ɛ̃ ɛː ɛ̃ː ʌ ʌ̃ ʌː ʌ̃ː ɔ ɔ̃ ɔː ɔ̃ː
Near-low æ æ̃ æː æ̃ː
Low ä ä̃ äː ä̃ː ɑ ɑ̃ ɑː ɑ̃ː
  Syllable structure: (C)(C)V(C)(C) Stress pattern: Initial — stress is on the first syllable Word initial consonants: b, bj, bl, bʰ, bʲ, bʼ, bˤ, bβ, cç, cʎ̝̊, dl, dlʲ, dr, dɹ, dʀ, dʰ, dʲ, dʼ, dˤ, d̠ɹ̠, dɹ̝, h, j, j̃, j̊, k, kj, kl, kr, kw, kʰ, kʲ, kʼ, kˤ, kʟ̝̊, l, lʲ, lˤ, l̼, m, md, mj, ml, mp, mpʰ, mɾ, n, nj, nr, nw, p, pl, pr, pw, pʀ, pʰ, pʲ, pʼ, pˤ, p̪f, pɸ, qʟ̝̠̊, r, rj, r̥, s, sh, sj, sl, spʲ, sʈ, sʋ, t, tj, tw, tʀ, tʰ, tʰw, tʲ, tʼ, tˤ, t̠ɹ̠̊, t̪θ, t̼ɬ̼, ts, tɬ, tɹ̝̊, w, w̃, x, xʲ, xˤ, ð̼, ħ, ŋw, ǂ, ǂ̠, ɓ, ɓ̥, ɕ, ɖ, ɗ, ɗ̥, ɟʝ, ɠ, ɠ̥, ɡ, ɡj, ɡl, ɡlʲ, ɡw, ɡɾ, ɡʰ, ɡʲ, ɡʼ, ɡˤ, ɡʟ̝, ɢʟ̝̠, ɣ, ɣl, ɣn, ɣr, ɣɾ, ɣ̃, ɬ, ɬ̼, ɭ, ɮ, ɮʲ, ɮʷ, ɮʷʲ, ɮ̃, ɮ̃ʲ, ɮ̃ʷ, ɮ̃ʷʲ, ɴ, ɸw, ɹ, ɹʲ, ɹˤ, ɹ̃, ɹ̥, ɽ̊r̥, ɽ̠̊r̥, ɽr, ɾ, ɾ̥, ʀ, ʀʷ, ʀ̥, ʀ̥ʷ, ʄ, ʄ̥, ʈ, ʋ, ʋj, ʋ̥, ʋ̥̼, ʋ̼, ʍ, ʎ̝̊, ʑ, ʘ, ʛ, ʛ̥, ʜ, ʟ, ʟ̝̊, ʟ̝̠̊, ʟ̠, θ̼, ᶑ
Mid-word consonants: b, bd, bj, bn, br, bt, bw, bʰ, bʲ, bʼ, bˤ, bβ, c, cl, cs, ct, cç, cʎ̝̊, d, dd, dm, dn, dr, dt, dw, dx, dɹ, dɾ, dʰ, dʲ, dʲb, dʼ, dˤ, d̠ɹ̠, dɹ̝, h, hj, hl, hm, ht, hw, j, jb, jd, jl, jm, jr, js, jt, jɡ, jʔ, j̃, j̊, k, kh, kk, km, kn, kw, kɹ, kɾ, kʰ, kʰj, kʰn, kʰtʰ, kʰw, kʲ, kʼ, kˤ, kʟ̝̊, l, lb, ld, lh, lk, lm, ln, ls, lw, lħ, lɡ, lʔ, lʲ, lʲt, lˤ, l̼, m, ml, mlʲ, mm, mn, mpʰ, mǀ, mɡ, mɮ, mɾ, mʔ, m̰m̥h, n, nj, nl, nm, np, ns, nsˤ, nw, nɡ, nɣ, nɬ, nʋ, n̰n̥h, p, pj, plʲ, pn, ppʰ, pt, pw, pɾ, pʰ, pʲ, pʼ, pˤ, p̪f, pɸ, qʟ̝̠̊, r, rc, rm, rn, rsʲ, rtʰ, rtʲ, rɬ, rɮ, r̥, s, sb, sc, sk, sp, spʰ, spʲ, st, stʰ, sx, sɾ, sʈ, sʋ, sʲ, sʲm, sʲtʲ, sˤ, sˤb, sˤm, sˤtˤ, t, tc, td, th, tlʲ, tm, tn, tp, tpʲ, tr, tt, tɕ, tɹ, tɾ, tʀ, tʰ, tʲ, tʲj, tʼ, tˤ, t̠ɹ̠̊, t̪θ, t̼ɬ̼, ts, tɬ, tɹ̝̊, w, wdˤ, wk, wl, wm, ws, wt, wɡ, wɾ, w̃, x, xd, xh, xj, xk, xr, xw, xɡ, xʲ, xˤ, ð̼, ħ, ħd, ħm, ŋ, ŋb, ŋd, ŋl, ŋpʰ, ŋr, ŋs, ŋt, ŋx, ŋ̰ŋ̊h, ǀ, ǂ, ǂ̠, ɓ, ɓ̥, ɕ, ɖ, ɗ, ɗ̥, ɟʝ, ɠ, ɠ̥, ɡ, ɡh, ɡj, ɡk, ɡlʲ, ɡm, ɡr, ɡɡ, ɡɮ, ɡɹ, ɡʰ, ɡʲ, ɡʼ, ɡˤ, ɡʟ̝, ɢʟ̝̠, ɣ, ɣj, ɣm, ɣn, ɣr, ɣ̃, ɬ, ɬ̼, ɭ, ɭm, ɭp, ɭpʰ, ɭɭ, ɮ, ɮn, ɮɡ, ɮʲ, ɮʷ, ɮʷʲ, ɮ̃, ɮ̃ʲ, ɮ̃ʷ, ɮ̃ʷʲ, ɴ, ɴ̰ɴ̥h, ɸ, ɹ, ɹm, ɹn, ɹp, ɹt, ɹw, ɹɖ, ɹɡ, ɹʲ, ɹˤ, ɹ̃, ɹ̥, ɽ̊r̥, ɽ̠̊r̥, ɽr, ɾ, ɾb, ɾd, ɾh, ɾk, ɾl, ɾm, ɾn, ɾs, ɾx, ɾɡʲ, ɾɣ, ɾʔ, ɾ̥, ʀ, ʀʷ, ʀ̥, ʀ̥ʷ, ʄ, ʄ̥, ʈ, ʈn, ʋ, ʋn, ʋ̥, ʋ̥̼, ʋ̼, ʍ, ʎ̝̊, ʑ, ʔ, ʔn, ʘ, ʛ, ʛ̥, ʜ, ʟ, ʟ̝̊, ʟ̝̠̊, ʟ̠, θ̼, ᶑ
Word final consonants: bʰ, bʲ, bʼ, bˤ, bβ, c, cç, cʎ̝̊, d, dʰ, dʲ, dʼ, dˤ, d̠ɹ̠, dɹ̝, j, jc, jj, jk, jɾ, jʔ, j̃, j̃s, j̊, k, ks, kʲ, kʼ, kˤ, kʟ̝̊, l, lb, lk, lp, ls, lt, lʲ, lʲm, lˤ, l̼, m, mp, mt, n, nd, nk, nt, nw, nɡ, nʔ, p, pʰ, pʲ, pʼ, pˤ, p̪f, pɸ, qʟ̝̠̊, r, rd, rdˤ, rn, rp, rtʰ, rx, r̥, s, sʲ, sˤ, th, tm, tʲ, tʼ, tˤ, tˤħ, t̠ɹ̠̊, t̪θ, t̼ɬ̼, ts, tɬ, tɹ̝̊, wl, wm, wɾ, wʔ, w̃, x, xˤ, ð̼, ħ, ŋ, ŋd, ŋk, ŋs, ŋt, ǂ, ǂ̠, ɓ, ɓ̥, ɕ, ɖ, ɗ, ɗ̥, ɟʝ, ɠ, ɠ̥, ɡ, ɡh, ɡʰ, ɡʲ, ɡʼ, ɡˤ, ɡʟ̝, ɢʟ̝̠, ɣ̃, ɬ̼, ɭ, ɮ, ɮɮ, ɮʲ, ɮʷ, ɮʷʲ, ɮ̃, ɮ̃ʲ, ɮ̃ʷ, ɮ̃ʷʲ, ɴ, ɸ, ɹ, ɹm, ɹn, ɹʲ, ɹˤ, ɹ̃, ɹ̥, ɽ̊r̥, ɽ̠̊r̥, ɽr, ɾk, ɾn, ɾs, ɾt, ɾ̥, ʀ, ʀʷ, ʀ̥, ʀ̥ʷ, ʄ, ʄ̥, ʈ, ʋ, ʋ̥, ʋ̥̼, ʋ̼, ʍ, ʎ̝̊, ʑ, ʘ, ʛ, ʛ̥, ʜ, ʟ, ʟ̝̊, ʟ̝̠̊, ʟ̠, θ̼, ᶑ   Phonological changes (in order of application):  
  • oɣ → ɔːw / _V
  • k → ɡ / n_
  • N → h / _S
  • d → l / #_
  • p → b / V_V
  • w → u / t_
  How to read phonological rules   Spelling rules:
Pronunciation Spelling
ʔ ʻ
æ a
ɛ e
ɔ aw
ʊ u
ɡ g
x kh
ŋ ng
j y
ɕ sh
c chy
ʋ v
ɸ f
ʟ ll
ɓ b’
ɟʝ j
ʄ j’
ɗ d’
ɠ g’
ʑ z
ʍ hw
ɮ zh
ʛ g’̂
ɬ sĥ
ɴ nĝ
(D)(ᴰ*)ː 1212


  Main word order: Subject Verb Object (Prepositional phrase). "Mary opened the door with a key" turns into Mary opened the door with a key.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned after the noun.
Adposition: postpositions  


Singular No affix í̃zh̃ẽr̥ /ˈɪ̃ɮ̃ɛ̃r̥/ doɡ
Plural If ends with vowel: Suffix -ɮʷʲ Else: Suffix -oɮʷʲ í̃zh̃ẽr̥ozhʷ /ˈɪ̃ɮ̃ɛ̃r̥oɮʷʲ/ doɡs


Definite á̃ /ɑ̃/ the
Indefinite lˤâ /lˤə/ a, some


1st singular ŕ̥ʷaw /ʀ̥ʷɔ/ I, me, mine
2nd singular twü /twʊ̈/ you, yours
3rd singular masc lũ /lʊ̃/ he, him, his, it, its
3rd singular fem ř̥é̃é̃ /ɹ̥ɤ̃ː/ she, her, hers, it, its
1st plural inclusive gll̝úúrn /ɡʟ̝ʌːrn/ we (including you), us (including you), ours (including you)
1st plural exclusive kä /kä/ we (excluding you), us (excluding you), ours (excluding you)
2nd plural dˤúařm /dˤʌæɹm/ you all, yours (pl)
3rd plural ŕá /ʀɑ/ they, them, theirs

Possessive determiners

1st singular pú /pʲʌ/ my
2nd singular lä /lä/ your
3rd singular masc kll̝̊oon /kʟ̝̊oːn/ his
3rd singular fem a /æ/ her
1st plural inclusive gˤä /ɡˤä/ our (including you)
1st plural exclusive tsikh /tsix/ our (excluding you)
2nd plural gʰú̃ /ɡʰʌ̃/ your (pl)
3rd plural í̃b’ /ɪ̃ɓ/ their


Present No affix ní̃nlõ /ˈnɪ̃nlõ/ learn
Past If ends with vowel: Suffix -ɠ̥ Else: Suffix -æ̃ːɠ̥ ní̃nlõg’̥ /ˈnɪ̃nlõɠ̥/ learned
Remote past If ends with vowel: Suffix -p Else: Suffix -ɑp ní̃nlõp /ˈnɪ̃nlõp/ learned (lonɡ aɡo)
Future Suffix -ɤ ní̃nlõé /ˈnɪ̃nlõɤ/ will learn


  D̠ř̠uúapian has a base-10 number system:   1 - nyai
2 - pigll̝
3 - zh̃ʷiiʘ
4 - vyieau
5 - awkh
6 - rĩĩ
7 - zhá
8 - r̥̂ú̃
9 - ku
10 - kˤĩĩ
11 - kˤĩĩ dʼa nyai “ten and one”
100 - nyai law̃ “one hundred”
101 - nyai law̃ nyai “one hundred one”
200 - pigll̝ law̃
1000 - nyai j’̥anʻ “one thousand”  

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = If ends with vowel: Suffix -rd
Else: Suffix -ɔ̃rd
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -m
Else: Suffix -ɪm
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = Suffix -ɔ̃d
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -rx
Else: Suffix -ɨurx
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -rtʰ
Else: Suffix -ə̃rtʰ
Noun to verb = Suffix -ɪ̈ː
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ʀ
Else: Suffix -ɪʀ
Tending to = Suffix -ɛ̃
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ɮʷʲ
Else: Suffix -oɮʷʲ
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = Suffix -ädˤ
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = Suffix -ʊ̈ʀ

Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -j̊
Else: Suffix -ɑɛoj̊
Diminutive = If ends with vowel: Suffix -d̠ɹ̠
Else: Suffix -aid̠ɹ̠
Augmentative = Suffix -ɨulb


4384 Words.


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