
zāʾdi šupāt (/zɒːʔdi ʃuːpɒːt/ , the draconic people)   Dragonborn are the scaly reptile-like people from Isoka. They claim draconic heritage, which lends them colorful scales and magical breaths. Most scholars agree that it is a possibility and few ever challenge it to their faces. They are the ruling racial group of Isoka.

Basic Information


Dragonborn are bipedal humanoids. Much of their body resembles humans (i.e. overall skeletal and muscular structure). There are key differences.   Dragonborn heads resemble drakes or dragons. They have snouts, tendrils of cartilage that resemble facial hair or head hair, thin stretches of skin between tendrils, and deep-set eyes.   Dragonborn are taller, more muscular, and heartier than most humans. Their skin has a leathery, scale-like texture. They have a special organ in their torso and throat that reacts with the ambient quintessence field to produce a massive breath attack called qitahr zan (/ɣiːt æhr zæn/ , breathing heart) made of some elemental discharge, often in a broad cone or a long line. The nature of the attack (shape and element) aligns to a draconic persona known as a zāʾdi tāfāt (/zɒːʔdi tɒːfɒːt/ , draconic ancestors).   Dragonborn are warmblooded.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragonborn lay hard-shelled eggs in broods of one to four. Eggs are laid in the early spring and hatch at the end of fall. Since most dragonborn have approximately the same birthday, birthday celebration is usually a familial celebration of everyone's life. Dragonborn infants are fed on a diet of milk and meat.   Dragonborn are unable to reproduce with other sentients.

Growth Rate & Stages

A healthy dragonborn ages at a rate of about 1.25 times a healthy human. A typical dragonborn could reach the following milestones:
  • Adolescence at year 16
  • Adulthood at year 22
  • Death from old age at year 95

Ecology and Habitats

Dragonborn favor warm climates and wide-open skies. They, like humans, are fairly versatile in where they can go. However, dragonborn do not do as well as humans in heavy snowfall.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragonborn are omnivores, but favor a meat-heavy diet. They have a high tolerance for spice and heat in their foods.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dragonborn innately form ordered hierarchies. Isoka, which has the largest dragonborn population in the United Halla Alliance, has a hierarchy of houses that unify the pure bloodlines under an emperor figure.

Facial characteristics

Dragonborn faces have hard lines, fine scales, and a thick, leather-like skin. Their eyes resemble their draconic heritage -- the hue of the iris usually matches their zāʾdi tāfāt. They have sharp teeth, prominent jaws, and strong brow. Dragonborn do not have hair. Instead, they have tendrils of flexible cartilage called mahr. It resembles hair in many ways -- it is flexible, dyable, and helps keep the head warm. However, it does not grow back if cut off without regenerative magic.   Some dragonborn families have horns.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dragonborn mostly live in Isoka within the United Halla Alliance.
dragonborn distribution.PNG

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dragonborn have senses that resemble humans.
Average Height
Males are typically 6.6 fl. Females are typically 6.3 fl.
Average Weight
15 - 20 kobi (230 - 310 lbs).
Average Physique
The average physique of a dragonborn resembles a stocky, fit human.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dragonborn have thick, leathery skin with fine scales. The far majority of dragonborn have tan, red, brown, or rust colored scales. The most prominent members of the major houses in Isoka have more varied colors that resemble their draconic bloodline. Rarer dragonborn have motley patterned scales showing more than one draconic coloring.   Dragonborn rarely tattoo their scales, but paints and dyes are common.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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