
xethass mzaf (/ǂɛˈtʰɒss mzɒf/ , the great person in the Minotaur language)   Minotaurs are a massive furred race who is most known for a head that resembles a ferocious bull, goat, or other horned creature. They travel in herds across the frigid tundra of the Rimeland continent or live in the multiracial cities of Eno. Many mintoaurs have been hired as intimidating mercenaries and soldiers.   Minotaurs are generally very honor-bound, stoic, and observant. Some have shown themselves to be proficient at hearing the spirits of nature. Most find a calling to the martial disciplines since they make such powerful and natural warriors.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

A healthy minotaur ages at a about the same rate as a healthy human. A typical minotaur could reach the following milestones:
  • Adolescence at year 13
  • Adulthood at year 18
  • Death from old age at year 75

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

minotaur distribution.PNG


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