Modern Halfling

Natively known as: Brarnsaisdt /ˈbʁaʁnzaɪst/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
frö ne ple ehmer uh prünnfie frö ple ährauchdt harklo pfettsdt au klö
Pronunciation: /fʁœ nə plə ˈeːmɐ uː ˈpʁʏnfiː fʁœ plə eːˈʁaʊxt haʁˈklɔ pfetst aʊ kløː/
Brarnsaisdti word order: and he his hat holding stood and his wet face the wind to turned  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: /b d f g h j k l m n p s t v x z ç ŋ ʁ ʃ ʔ ʦ ʧ χ/
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Palato-alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Stop p b t d k g ʔ
Affricate ʦ ʧ
Fricative f v s z ʃ ç x χ ʁ h
Approximant j
Lateral approximant l
Vowel inventory: /a aɪ aʊ aː e eː i iː o oː u uː y yː øː œ ɐ ɔ ɔʏ ə ɛ ɛː ɪ ʊ ʏ/   Diphthongs: aɪ, aʊ, ɔʏ
Front Central Back
High iː i yː y uː u
Near-high ɪ ʏ ʊ
High-mid eː e øː oː o
Mid ə
Low-mid ɛ ɛː œ ɔ
Near-low ɐ
Low a aː
Syllable structure: Custom defined
Stress pattern: No fixed stress
Word initial consonants: b, bl, bʁ, d, dʁ, f, fl, fʁ, g, gl, gʁ, h, j, k, kl, kn, kv, kʁ, l, m, n, p, pf, pl, pʁ, s, t, tʁ, v, z, ʁ, ʃ, ʃl, ʃm, ʃn, ʃp, ʃpʁ, ʃt, ʃtʁ, ʃv, ʃʁ, ʔ, ʦ, ʦv
Mid-word consonants: b, bl, bʁ, d, f, fg, fh, fn, fp, ft, ftʁ, fʁ, g, gn, h, j, k, kl, ks, kt, kv, kz, kʦ, l, lb, ld, lf, lft, lg, lk, lt, ltz, lz, lç, lʃ, m, mb, mbʁ, ml, mn, mp, mpf, mpj, n, nbl, nd, nf, ng, ngl, ngʁ, nh, nl, nm, nst, nt, ntk, ntl, ntv, ntʔ, nv, nz, nçm, nʁ, nʃ, nʦ, nʧ, p, pf, pl, pv, pz, s, sf, sh, sl, st, stk, sv, sz, sç, sʔ, t, tbʁ, tk, tn, tv, tz, tç, tʔ, v, x, xd, xt, xʁ, z, ç, çk, çl, çst, çt, çtl, ŋ, ŋk, ŋkʦj, ŋn, ŋz, ʁ, ʁb, ʁd, ʁdn, ʁf, ʁg, ʁh, ʁk, ʁkl, ʁl, ʁm, ʁn, ʁnz, ʁp, ʁt, ʁtl, ʁv, ʁz, ʁç, ʁçtb, ʁʃl, ʃ, ʃp, ʃpʁ, ʃt, ʃv, ʔ, ʦ, ʦd, ʦj, χ
Word final consonants: f, ft, gŋ, k, ks, kt, l, lk, lp, lpst, ls, lt, lʃ, m, mpf, n, nf, nft, ns, nst, nt, nts, nʃ, p, pf, pt, pʃ, s, st, t, tl, ts, tst, x, xt, ç, çt, çts, ŋ, ŋk, ŋks, ŋkt, ŋst, ʁ, ʁf, ʁk, ʁl, ʁn, ʁnst, ʁt, ʁts, ʁç, ʁʃ, ʃ, ʧ   Phonological changes (in order of application):  
  • k → g / n_
  • u → o / _Ca
  Spelling rules:
Pronunciation Spelling
([aeiouœɐɔɛɪʊʏ](?!ː))([mbltnps]) $1$2$2
([aeiouœɐɔɛɪʊʏ](?!ː))(k) $1ck
ei | ai
ä | äh | e | eh | ee
ks chs
o | oh | oo
p# b
t# dt
u | uh
v w
x ch
z s
ç ch
ø ö
øː ö
ŋ ng
ŋk nk
œ ö
ɐ(?!r) er
ɐ e
ɔ o
ɔʏ eu
ə e
ɛ ä | e
ɛː ä
ɪ i
ʁ r
ʃ sch
ʊ u
ʏ ü
ʦ# zt
ʦ z
ʦ z
ʦj ti


  Main word order: Subject-Object-Oblique-Verb. "Mary opened the door with a key" turns into Mary the door with a key opened.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
Adposition: postpositions  


  Nouns have five cases:
  • Nominative is the doer of a verb: dog bites man.
  • Accusative is the done-to of a verb: man bites dog.
  • Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.
  • Dative is the recipeint of something: man gives ball to dog.
  • Locative is the location of something: man goes to town.
Nominative No affix schpen /ʃpən/ dog (doing the verb)
Accusative Prefix joː- jooschpen /ˈjoːʃpən/ (verb done to) dog
Genitive If starts with vowel: Prefix b- Else: Prefix bi- bisschpen /ˈbiʃpən/ dogʼs
Dative If starts with vowel: Prefix aŋz- Else: Prefix aŋzo- angsosschpen /aŋˈzoʃpən/ to (the/a) dog
Locative If starts with vowel: Prefix f- Else: Prefix fɐ- fersschpen /fɐʃˈpən/ near/at/by (the/a) dog
Masculine Feminine
Singular No affix ongchs /ɔŋks/ man No affix dyper /ˈdypɐ/ woman
Plural If starts with vowel: Prefix yçst- Else: Prefix yçstʏ- ychstongchs /yçsˈtɔŋks/ men Prefix bla- bladyper /blaˈdypɐ/ women


Definite Indefinite
Singular blannfdt /blanft/ the ienfdt /iːnft/ a
Plural de /də/ the he /hə/ some


Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Locative
1st singular soü /zɔʏ/ I ü /yː/ me schtröns /ʃtʁøːns/ mine /vɛ/ to me eins /aɪns/ at me
2nd singular de /də/ you schmü /ʃmyː/ you dru /dʁuː/ yours tra /tʁaː/ to you prönsch /pʁøːnʃ/ at you
3rd singular masc ne /nə/ he /zøː/ him ple /plə/ his wappf /vapf/ to him /byː/ at him
3rd singular fem e /ɛ/ she schter /ʃtɐ/ her he /hə/ hers fli /flɪ/ to her püssdt /pʏst/ at her
1st plural schpattl /ʃpatl/ we pfysch /pfyʃ/ us ko /ko/ ours pippsch /pipʃ/ to us au /aʊ/ at us
2nd plural le /lə/ you (all) wehs /veːs/ you (all) lyrts /lyʁts/ yours wa /va/ to you (all) fiels /fiːls/ at you (all)
3rd plural masc e /ə/ they ielb /iːlp/ them schproü /ʃpʁɔʏ/ theirs klü /klyː/ to them grählpsdt /gʁeːlpst/ at them
3rd plural fem fau /faʊ/ they wi /vɪ/ them oh /oː/ theirs bri /bʁɪ/ to them binkdt /biŋkt/ at them

Possessive determiners

1st singular schtröns /ʃtʁøːns/ my
2nd singular dru /dʁuː/ your
3rd singular masc ple /plə/ his
3rd singular fem he /hə/ her
1st plural ko /ko/ our
2nd plural dru /dʁuː/ your
3rd plural masc schproü /ʃpʁɔʏ/ their
3rd plural fem schproü /ʃpʁɔʏ/ their


1st singular Prefix o- oasschwütl /oaʃˈvyːtl/ (I) will study
2nd singular If starts with vowel: Prefix bʁ- Else: Prefix bʁaː- brasschwütl /bʁaʃˈvyːtl/ (you) will study
3rd singular masc Prefix ɛ- äasschwütl /ɛaʃˈvyːtl/ (he) will study
3rd singular fem Prefix ʊ- uasschwütl /ʊˈaʃvyːtl/ (she) will study
1st plural If starts with vowel: Prefix aːnz- Else: Prefix aːnzøː- ansasschwütl /aːnzaʃˈvyːtl/ (we) will study
2nd plural Prefix mɛ- mäasschwütl /mɛaʃˈvyːtl/ (you all) will study
3rd plural masc If starts with vowel: Prefix od- Else: Prefix ode- odasschwütl /oˈdaʃvyːtl/ (they) will study
3rd plural fem Prefix ʁɔ- roasschwütl /ʁɔˈaʃvyːtl/ (they) will study
Brarnsaisdti uses a standalone particle word for past tense:
Past pinnf /pinf/ past particle


  Brarnsaisdti has a base-10 number system:  
  • 1 - lechs
  • 2 - ha
  • 3 - e
  • 4 - po
  • 5 - frirsch
  • 6 - na
  • 7 - ze
  • 8 - ti
  • 9 - sünnmäh
  • 10 - u
  • 11 - lechs frö u “one and ten”
  • 100 - droorch “hundred”
  • 101 - drorch frö lechs “hundred and one”
  • 200 - ha droorch
  • 1000 - kwe “thousand”

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Prefix aʊ-
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = Prefix lu-
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix œlt-
Else: Prefix œltʏ-
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = Prefix ʔʊ-
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Prefix fʁɛ-
Noun → verb (to create [noun]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix ɔʏç-
Else: Prefix ɔʏçeː-
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix ʦv-
Else: Prefix ʦvaː-
Verb → adjective (likely to do [verb]) = Prefix a-
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Prefix øː-
Verb → noun that verb physically produces (e.g. build → building) = Prefix ʔeː-
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = Prefix yː-
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = Prefix o-
Diminutive = If starts with vowel: Prefix h-
Else: Prefix hɐ-
Augmentative = If starts with vowel: Prefix ɛld-
Else: Prefix ɛldɛ-


4367 Words.
Common Female Names
  • Blallb /blalp/
  • Schrehtwo /ʃʁeːtˈvo/
  • Serna /ˈseːʁna/
  • Luchtirn /ˈluçtɪʁn/
  • Dyrdnernndt /ˈdyʁdnɐnt/
  • Grähchroh /gʁeːxˈʁoː/
  • Pfucha /ˈpfuxa/
  • Bürl /byːʁl/
  • Idt /ɪt/
  • Rienscha /ˈʁiːnʃa/
Common Male Names
  • Fordt /foːʁt/
  • Ügng /yːgŋ/
  • Klürangchs /ˈklʏʁaŋks/
  • Schtrillü /ʃtʁiˈlʏ/
  • Trernnf /tʁɐnf/
  • Fräl /fʁɛːl/
  • Hallai /ˈhalaɪ/
  • Schniechrü /ˈʃniːxʁyː/
  • Scheichdt /ʃaɪçt/
  • Schäppf /ʃɛpf/
Common Unisex Names
  • Schtrillschönkzjy /ʃtʁilˈʃœŋkʦjy/
  • Krychlachs /ˈkʁyçlaːks/
  • Drauldt /dʁaʊlt/
  • Ahinnsch /ˈahinʃ/
  • Schternn /ʃtɐn/
  • Ardie /aʁˈdiː/
  • Unnfe /ˈʊnfə/
  • Wähchstachts /ˈveːçstaːçts/
  • Ainta /ˈaɪnta/
  • Lyjöpdt /ˈlyjøːpt/


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