Orc Tongue

Natively known as: Hlonka /ˈɬɔŋkɒ/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
vi mnya bye ntop uck phing vi gcwonjwosho mkha bye mlap wal siwn
Pronunciation: /vi mɲɒ bjɛ ntɔp uǀk pʰing vi ᶢǀʱwɔɲˈʤwɔʃɔ mkʰɒ bjɛ mlɒp wɒl siwn/
Hlonkan word order: and he his hat holding stood and the wind to his wet face turned  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: /b bʱ d f g h j k kʰ l m n p pʰ r s t tʰ v w z ŋ ǀ ǀʰ ǂ ǂʰ ǃ ǃʰ ɦ ɬ ɮ ɲ ʃ ʤ ʦʼ ʧʼ ᵑǀ ᵑǀʱ ᵑǂʱ ᵑǃ ᵑǃʱ ᶢǀʱ ᶢǃʱ/
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Palato-alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ɲ ŋ
Stop pʰ p b bʱ tʰ t d k kʰ g
Affricate ʤ
Fricative f v s z ʃ h ɦ
Approximant j
Trill r
Lateral fricative ɬ ɮ
Lateral approximant l
Click ǀ ᵑǀ ǀʰ ᶢǀʱ ᵑǀʱ ǃʰ ǃ ᵑǃʱ ᵑǃ ᶢǃʱ ǂ ǂʰ ᵑǂʱ
Co-articulated phonemes
↓Manner/Place→ Labio-velar
Approximant w
Vowel inventory: /i u ɒ ɔ ɛ/
Front Back
High i u
Low-mid ɛ ɔ
Low ɒ
Syllable structure: Custom defined
Stress pattern: No fixed stress
Word initial consonants: b, bj, bʱ, d, f, g, h, j, k, kw, kʰ, kʰw, l, lw, m, mb, mf, mkʰ, ml, mn, mp, ms, mz, mɬ, mɮ, mɲ, n, nd, ng, nt, nz, nǂ, nɬ, nɮ, p, pl, pʰ, s, t, tʰ, v, w, z, zw, ŋk, ǀ, ǀʰ, ǂ, ǂʰ, ǃ, ǃʰ, ǃʰw, ɦ, ɬ, ɲ, ɲʤ, ʃ, ʤ, ʦʼ, ʧʼ, ᵑǀ, ᵑǀw, ᵑǃʱ, ᶢǀʱw
Mid-word consonants: b, bʱ, d, dw, f, g, h, hw, j, k, ks, kw, kʰ, kʰw, l, lw, m, mb, mbʱ, mf, mg, mgw, mh, mk, mkʰ, ml, mn, mnd, mng, mntw, mp, mpʰ, ms, mtʰ, mv, mz, mǀ, mǃ, mɬ, mɮ, mɲ, mʃ, n, nd, ndz, ng, ngw, ns, nstr, nt, ntf, ntw, nw, nz, nǂ, nɬ, nɮ, nʦʼ, p, pl, pʰ, r, s, sw, t, tf, tʰ, tʰr, tʰw, v, w, z, zw, ŋk, ŋkw, ǀ, ǀtr, ǀʰ, ǀʰw, ǂ, ǃ, ǃʰ, ǃʰw, ɦ, ɬ, ɬw, ɮ, ɲ, ɲʤ, ɲʤw, ɲʧʼ, ʃ, ʤ, ʦʼ, ʧʼ, ᵑǀ, ᵑǀw, ᵑǀʱ, ᵑǂʱ, ᵑǃ, ᵑǃʱ, ᶢǀʱ, ᶢǀʱw, ᶢǃʱ
Word final consonants: f, ff, gh, j, l, ll, n, ng, nt, p, r, ss, st, t, wn, ǀ, ǀk   Phonological changes (in order of application):  
  • h → Ø / _#
  • h → Ø / V_
  • k → g / n_
  Spelling rules:
Pronunciation Spelling
j y
ŋk nk
ǀ c
ǀʰ ch
ǂ x
ǂʰ xh
ǃ q
ǃʰ qh
ɒ a
ɔ o
ɛ e
ɦ hh
ɬ hl
ɮ dl
ɲ ny
ɲʤ nj
ɲʧʼ ntsh
ʃ sh
ʤ j
ʦʼ ts
ʧʼ tsh
ᵑǀ nc
ᵑǀʱ ngc
ᵑǂ nx
ᵑǂʱ ngx
ᵑǃ nq
ᵑǃʱ ngq
ᶢǀʱ gc
ᶢǂʱ gx
ᶢǃʱ gq


  Main word order: Subject-Oblique-Object-Verb. "Mary opened the door with a key" turns into Mary with a key the door opened.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
Adposition: postpositions  


  Nouns have four cases:
  • Nominative is the doer of a verb: dog bites man.
  • Accusative is the done-to of a verb: man bites dog.
  • Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.
  • Dative is the recipeint of something: man gives ball to dog.
Nominative No affix nzay /nzɒj/ dog (doing the verb)
Accusative Suffix -ɒp nzayap /ˈnzɒjɒp/ (verb done to) dog
Genitive Suffix -ut nzayut /ˈnzɒjut/ dogʼs
Dative If ends with vowel: Suffix -ᵑǀwɔ Else: Suffix -uᵑǀwɔ nzayuncwo /ˈnzɒjuᵑǀwɔ/ to (the/a) dog
Singular No affix nzay /nzɒj/ dog
Plural If ends with vowel: Suffix -nt Else: Suffix -ɒnt nzayant /nzɒˈjɒnt/ dogs


Definite ti /ti/ the
Indefinite mnya /mɲɒ/ a, some


Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative
1st singular ti /ti/ I nge /ngɛ/ me xet /ǂɛt/ mine na /nɒ/ to me
2nd singular cir /ǀir/ you bu /bu/ you nxa /nǂɒ/ yours bugh /bugh/ to you
3rd singular masc mnya /mɲɒ/ he mbe /mbɛ/ him bye /bjɛ/ his a /ɒ/ to him
3rd singular fem gac /gɒǀ/ she ya /jɒ/ her si /si/ hers pliff /pliff/ to her
1st plural bup /bup/ we phef /pʰɛf/ us vi /vi/ ours bul /bul/ to us
2nd plural hlol /ɬɔl/ you (all) byunt /bjunt/ you (all) nhli /nɬi/ yours nan /nɒn/ to you (all)
3rd plural i /i/ they la /lɒ/ them nyec /ɲɛǀ/ theirs puf /puf/ to them

Possessive determiners

1st singular xet /ǂɛt/ my
2nd singular nxa /nǂɒ/ your
3rd singular masc bye /bjɛ/ his
3rd singular fem si /si/ her
1st plural vi /vi/ our
2nd plural nxa /nǂɒ/ your
3rd plural nyec /ɲɛǀ/ their


Present No affix mdla /mɮɒ/ study
Past Suffix -ɒ mdlaa /mɮɒˈɒ/ studied
Remote past If ends with vowel: Suffix -mhɒ Else: Suffix -ɒmhɒ mdlamha /ˈmɮɒmhɒ/ studied (long ago)
Future Suffix -ɛ mdlae /mɮɒˈɛ/ will study


  Hlonkan has a base-10 number system:  
  • 1 - hhul
  • 2 - cil
  • 3 - ti
  • 4 - xhe
  • 5 - eli
  • 6 - tha
  • 7 - a
  • 8 - laf
  • 9 - mhla
  • 10 - mfo
  • 11 - mfo vi hhul “ten and one”
  • 100 - hhul bhip “one hundred”
  • 101 - hhul bhip vi hhul “one hundred and one”
  • 200 - cil bhip
  • 1000 - hhul mlale “one thousand”

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Suffix -ɔ
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ǀʰu
Else: Suffix -ɒǀʰu
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ᵑǃi
Else: Suffix -ɒᵑǃi
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -pu
Else: Suffix -ɛpu
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Suffix -ɒ
Noun → verb (to create [noun]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -bʱɒ
Else: Suffix -ɒbʱɒ
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -kɒ
Else: Suffix -ikɒ
Verb → adjective (likely to do [verb]) = Suffix -ɒ
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Suffix -ɒn
Verb → noun that verb physically produces (e.g. build → building) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -f
Else: Suffix -if
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -mpɛ
Else: Suffix -ɒmpɛ
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = Suffix -ɒ
Diminutive = If ends with vowel: Suffix -wn
Else: Suffix -ɛwn
Augmentative = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ᶢǀʱwɒ
Else: Suffix -iᶢǀʱwɒ


4353 Words.
Common Female Names
  • Mlakhwi /mlɒˈkʰwi/
  • Eqigh /ˈɛǃigh/
  • Imbu /ˈimbu/
  • Mhloqugh /mɬɔˈǃugh/
  • Xemlu /ˈǂɛmlu/
  • Namfongqi /ˈnɒmfɔᵑǃʱi/
  • Gamgu /ˈgɒmgu/
  • Upha /ˈupʰɒ/
  • Buhhac /ˈbuɦɒǀ/
  • Zuy /zuj/
Common Male Names
  • Mpumsi /ˈmpumsi/
  • Wora /ˈwɔrɒ/
  • Buweff /buˈwɛff/
  • Phezel /pʰɛˈzɛl/
  • Fungxe /ˈfuᵑǂʱɛ/
  • Ndibhumagh /ˈndibʱumɒgh/
  • Nzactrolo /nzɒǀˈtrɔlɔ/
  • Nzactrolo /nzɒǀˈtrɔlɔ/
  • Sizin /ˈsizin/
  • Elomntwa /ɛˈlɔmntwɒ/
Common Unisex Names
  • Khwukwola /kʰwuˈkwɔlɒ/
  • Plihwa /ˈplihwɒ/
  • Bhimvell /bʱimˈvɛll/
  • Nzachwochol /ˈnzɒǀʰwɔǀʰɔl/
  • Phepegh /ˈpʰɛpɛgh/
  • Hembe /hɛmˈbɛ/
  • Hehlwunt /ˈhɛɬwunt/
  • Vip /vip/
  • Gcwonhloqhwap /ˈᶢǀʱwɔnɬɔǃʰwɒp/
  • Xehlwuff /ˈǂɛɬwuff/


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