Standardized Units of Measure

The colleges of Irita have standardized their units of measure, which is adapted to the harmonics the Celestial Gods have enforced in the natural world.   The following table shows the conversions between common Hillit Standard measures and Earth standards. Temperature are largely the same and Hillit favors centigrade.


The number prefixes used are based on Latin and Greek distributive prefixes.
Number Prefix Abbreviation
10-12 trili- ti-
10-9 bili- bi-
10-6 mili- mi-
10-3 kili- ki-
10-2 hecti- hi-
10-1 deci- di-
1 prota-
101 decato- do-
102 hecato- ho-
103 kolo- ko-
104 mylo- myo-
105 dikto- dio-
106 milo- mo-
109 bilo- bo-
1012 trilo- to-


There are three base dimensions measured with special units in Hillit: distance, time, and mass.
Hillit Earth Measure
1 frul [fl] 1 foot distance
5 fl 5 feet, or the standard spacing in D&D grids distance
1 decatofrul [dofl] (10 fl) 10 feet distance
1 hecatofrul [hofl] (100 fl) 100 feet distance
1 kolofrul [kofl] (1,000 fl) 1,000 feet distance
1 mylofrul [myofl] (10,000 fl) 10,000 feet; 1.894 mi distance
1 diktofrul [diofl] (100,000 fl) 100,000 feet; 18.94 mi distance
1 milofrul [mofl] (1,000,000 fl) 1,000,000 feet; 189.4 mi distance
1 soros [so] 1.108 seconds time
5 soros (5 so) 5.54 seconds (~1 round in combat) time
1 decatosoros [doso] (10 so) 11.08 seconds time
5 decatosoros (50 so; 5 doso) 55.4 seconds; ~1 min time
1 hecatosoros [hoso] (100 so) 110.8 seconds; 1.85 min time
1 kolosoros [koso] (1,000 so) 18.47 min time
1 mylosoros [myoso] (10,000 so) 3.078 hr time
8 mylosoros (80,000 so; 1 day) 24.624 hr; 1 day time
1 diktosoros [dioso] (100,000 so) 30.78 hours time
1 bekah [bi] 0.0156 lbs; 0.25 oz; 0.708 g mass
1 decatobekah [dobi] 0.156 lbs; 2.5 oz; 7.08 g mass
1 kolobekah [kobi] (100 bi) 1.56 lbs; 25 oz; 708 g mass
6 kolobekah 9.36 lbs; 1 mage hand mass
1 kolobekah [kobi] (1,000 bi) 15.6 lbs mass
4 kolobekah 62.4 lbs; 1 cubic fl of water mass
8 kolobekah 124.8 lbs mass
1 mylobekah [myobi] (10,000 bi) 156 lbs mass
1.25 mylobekah 195 lbs mass
1.50 mylobekah 234 lbs mass
1.75 mylobekah 273 lbs mass
2.00 mylobekah 312 lbs mass
1 diktobekah [diobi] (100,000 bi) 1,560 lbs mass

Common values

Hillit Earth Meaning
1,089,830,000 fl/so 9.836 × 10⁸ ft/s; 2.998 × 10⁸ m/s Speed of light
1,237 fl/so 1,116 ft/s; 340.27 m/s Speed of sound at about sea level, room temp
39.53 fl/so² 32.17 ft/s², 9.81 m/s² Acceleration due to gravity at about sea level
1.00 fl2 1.00 ft2; 0.0929 m2 Area
10.8 fl2 10.8 ft2; 1.00 m2 Area
43,600 fl2 1.00 acre Area
10,800,000 fl2 0.386 mi2; 1.00 km2 Area
27,900,000 fl2 1.00 mi2; 2.59 km2 Area
0.134 fl3 1.00 gallon Volume
1.00 fl3 1.00 ft3; 0.0283 m3 Volume
35.3 fl3 35.3 ft3; 1.00 m3 Volume
0.0833 fl 1.00 inch Distance
0.528 myofl 1.00 mi Distance
0.0328 fl 1.00 cm Distance
3.28 fl 1.00 m Distance
3.280 kofl 1.00 km Distance
0.903 so 1.00 sec Time
54.2 so 1.00 min Time
0.325 myoso 1.00 hr Time


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