
Zhor, the clouded cities of aarakocra, float high above Hillit and drift over all territories as the winds blow. They are mostly hidden from scrying eyes, but are constantly charted for the growing cloud galleon industry and its navigational purposes.   Zhor is run by city-states that talk in a council for large-scale meetings. Each city-state has delegates that help run the cross-city social and economic policies. There is also the Arcanum Collecto, a small and secretive organization of aarakocra scribes that hold the secret to the floating cities.   The aarakocra population is at an all-time low after a fierce plague wiped out many of the citizens. Most of the city-state's buildings are left uninhabited.   Zhor is very xenophobic. Outsiders are not permitted in the cities unless there are very special or dire circumstances. Each city can hold over 40,000 aarakocra, but are at half or less capacity. The total aarakocra population is around 30-40 thousand.   The two remaining cities are Borean and Jhaea. They are suspended with complicated and intricate enchantments.
Political, Confederation


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