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Kingdom of Tria

Tria, a homely and prospering state from the outside. Known for its plentiful farm lands, high standards of living and great economy that allows all to live happily. However, the kingdom after losing it’s latest king to old age has of recent has become a place of treachery, power seeking and allegation throwing.   The new and young half-Elf King, Erion, was trying to keep the crown's peace within his lands as the country’s notably and groups of power distanced themselves further and further from the crown until finally Phraan Vanorian returned to Tria. Staking claims to be the rightful king of Tria and names Erion as a bastard.   This has led to a large divide in the country leading it to the near brink of civil war along a north-south divide. The majority of the nobility and merchants side with the returning figure of Phrann and support his claim by blood but the majority of the people and mages guilds side with Erion and his right to be the king his father raised and chose.  



Notable Figures & Factions


Key Country Features


Mar-ma-moth Lake

A large lake to the north with ties to fey mythology. A holy site for many who follow the Patron Marula , some visit to seek pilgrimage, others as a chance to see the site of great deeds in their scripture.

Tinour Bay

A jagged scar in the side of Tria the bay itself is said to be only a few thousand years old, historical books of events surrounding the area talking of a large unspeakable create digging and removing the land at seemingly it’s own sick pleasure making room for the waters of the sea to cut in and create what now is a prospering shipping bay that the capital sits on.  

The Great Trian Grass Plains

In the heartlands of Tria there are large fields of green and endless prospering farm lands, written about by many a famed artist and poet. The endless views of distant green that can be seen here, stretch as far as the eye can see. Said to be a sight to behold on a late summer's night as the orange tint of the sun’s light fades from the centre plane.  

Known Monsters & Creatures


Griffins are one of the many creatures of tria’s landscape, favoring it for it’s hills and fertile lands. Griffins are usually a blessing and a curse as they are relatively intelligent beasts favoring hunting wild animals rather than humanoids. However if humanoids terrorize or become a perceived threat. Griffins become cruel beasts, treating the local folk as prey. Notable things to drive griffins to anger are wars, displacing the local fauna, murder of it’s mate, stealing of it’s eggs or hidden game.  


Large inhabitants of the forests and fields gorhino’s are ape-like creatures with terrible horns upon their heads. These intelligent beasts often stick to small family packs of four to six and hunt large game like griffins or aurochs. However, Gorhinos are not above hunting humanoids if they are in small numbers. Often seen as a terror on the land Gorhino’s are usually bountied, killed and sold.  


A cow like creature, farmed by the locals of the land. Aurochs are mildly domesticated into farm life. However, they are still dangerous and wild by general nature. Also incredibly thick. They are often prized animals as they produce valuable goods, milk that takes weeks to go foul, vast amounts of incredibly delicious meat, horns that are useful in various medicinal applications and so on. Losing your Auroch can bankrupt whole families.

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