Desert Elves

Desert Elves are a secluded and largely nocturnal people. They inhabit the caves of the Aena Desert in the Zelligrad Mountains in the Eastern portion of Asmea, coming out at night when temperatures cool. They often rescue and assist Halfkind attempting to make their way through the desert to reach Zellia's Pass, a pass through the mountains that leads into Jinae. The pass is believed to be a myth or urban legend among many Asmeans, as full blood elves never make it through the desert alive.

Basic Information


The Desert Elves have a deep, blue-toned complexion and larger, more elongated ears than other Elvish species.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Desert Elves inhabit the Aena Desert, in the East of Asmea.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Desert Elves are often looked down on by the Forest Elves for their way of life and willingness to accept Halfkind.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Deep, royal blue toned skin.


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