High Dragon

The High Dragons are the esteemed members of the High Dragon Council, the governing body of the Benevolent Confederation of Dragons. Each High Dragon holds their position for life, tasked with embodying the wisdom, strength, and virtues that define Dragonfolk society. The council is responsible for guiding the nation, making crucial decisions on matters of law, diplomacy, and the well-being of their people. Their leadership is revered, and their authority is largely unquestioned, as they are seen as the pinnacle of Dragonfolk achievement and honor, in direct communication with The Facets.   Upon the death of a High Dragon, their essence does not merely dissipate; instead, it merges with The Facets, becoming a part of the patron deity of the Dragons. The Facets are a collective, "singular yet many" entity, composed of the accumulated knowledge, experiences, and energies of all past High Dragons, providing an ever-present source of wisdom and guidance for the living council members. This process ensures that the legacy and insights of each High Dragon continue to influence the nation's future, creating an unbroken chain of leadership and tradition that stretches back through the ages, while allowing a steady influx of new ideas to bring change and evolution over time.   When a vacancy arises in the High Dragon Council, it is not a simple matter of appointment or election. Aspiring candidates from the relevant clan must undertake a journey to face The Facets themselves. This process is both a spiritual and physical trial, designed to test the candidate's worthiness, character, and capabilities. They must demonstrate their understanding of Dragonfolk values, their commitment to the welfare of the nation, and their ability to lead with wisdom and strength. Only those who are deemed worthy by The Facets are granted the honor of joining the High Dragon Council.   This rigorous selection process ensures that the council remains comprised of individuals who are not only powerful and wise but also deeply connected to their predecessors. The High Dragons, therefore, are more than mere rulers; they are the living embodiment of their culture's ideals, the protectors of their people's future, and the keepers of their most sacred traditions. Through their leadership, the Benevolent Confederation of Dragons continues to thrive, guided by the collective wisdom of both the living and the departed, united under the watchful presence of The Facets.


Those who wish to join the High Dragon Council to replace a recently passed member must face The Facets and be judged worthy by them.
Civic, Diplomatic
Form of Address
Source of Authority
The Facets
Length of Term


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Aug 16, 2024 16:27 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

ooo   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3