Kingdom of Ofria

The Kingdom of Ofria is a primarily Oni kingdom, however it is also home to a significant Dwarvish population. It is ruled by the Ofrian Royal Family.   Geographically, it is bordered on the East by the Kingdom of Kynevyn and the Nation of Coteron. On the West it is bordered by the Nation of Priok and the Southern Sea. On the North, it is primarily bordered by the Kingdom of Asmea, with a narrow mountainous region directly bordering the Kingdom of Croze. On the South, it is bordered by the Queendom of Krolva.

The Queendom of Krolva and the Kingdom of Ofria were once two halves of a coregency, together comprising one of The Five Great Kingdoms.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Controlled Territories


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