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Dragons in Hisari are more unique to the continent. In ages past, the Chromatic and Metallic dragons fled the continent due to the hostile environment. The exact details have fallen into legend; oral tradition, theatre performance, old novels, which spoke of great battles between the good dragons and the evil. Whatever the truth is Chromatic and Metallic dragons are no longer welcome within Hisari, and haven't been seen in centuries.    However, dragons still exist. Dragons of primal forces, dragons of the elements, dragons of esoteric forces. All of them carry the same strength and majesty that all dragons wield, but are often more ambivalent or at times even friendly to normal people.    

Venerated Lords

Normal Society

  While the kamis have never been seen in the flesh, dragons are the next best thing. Seen as creatures of great wisdom and power, they are often venerated as demigod-like: festivals made in their name, rituals in which their strength is beseeched, artists and writers created works of art to depict them. Most people do fear dragons in a certain fashion, but it is not out of fear of them attacking them. Rather, its the base instinct a lesser life form feels when standing before something so mighty.   Most dragons stay in the same general locations, preferring places where nature is strong and the involvement of humans is at a minimum. As a result, they are often the focal points of pilgrimages up mountains, deep into the forests, or to the center of large lakes. Giving offerings to dragons such as these in exchange for their wisdom or their blessings was a commonplace practice, the exact offering changing from place to place and often being irrelevant what the offering is.   Despite this, its rare to hear or see a dragon in active combat anymore. They generally keep to themselves for personal reasons, and are neutral parties across most conflicts, regardless of who may be affected by it. Despite many tales of their exploits and their might, for whatever reason, they no longer involve themselves in the quarrels of humans.    

 Great Teachers

  Dragon Knights are historical warriors of legend. They were famed for being taught by dragons, being gifted their wisdom, strength, and magic through both ritual and training. In current times, Dragon Knights have all but died out. For reasons they do not explain, dragons no longer teach their ways to normal humans. Instead, they keep their knowledge of both history and the old ways to themselves, leading people to pass down the teachings without the guidance of dragons. This new breed of warrior were named Sword Saints in deference and understanding that they were no longer warriors taught by dragons, but something new.   While dragons will no longer teach the old ways any longer, they are still veritable fonts of knowledge and power. If a dragon has taken a liking to someone, they will still offer sources of power or centuries-old knowledge to help them in their time of need. While not nearly as esoteric as Yokai Magic, power gifted by dragons is especially powerful. These blessings are seen as badges of honor, being seen as symbols of exceptional purity of the soul.    


  Due to this veneration of dragons, people who kill dragons aren't seem as heroes. Rather, they are seen as the lowest of the low, exceeding that of deserting ronin. Killing a creature of great wisdom and of no evil intent is inherently an evil act, but even worse is killing a creature with such a history of helping normal people.    Despite this, there are those who are called in the line of duty to kill a dragon. Be it due to an evil yokai's corruption, or a powerful person's influence, it is still possible for darkness to invade a dragon's heart and for it to begin to paint an arc of blood across the continent. This is not common, and those that do are seen as tragic heroes. Samurai who have tainted their soul with the blood of dragons have their names erased from history, and their great deeds no longer spoken of.      

Types of Dragons


Imperial Dragons

  Imperial Dragons are the most common of dragons within Hisari. They are the embodiment of regal energy, knowing they are the kings of beasts and men. However, they are also known to be the most mild-mannered of the dragons. They are fairly social, being willing to share stories for hours and entertain the masses.    They generally don't have power over the elements as Primal Dragons do, or a deep connection to another plane as Esoteric Dragons do. However, they make up for this in raw strength and intelligence. They have the deepest connection to nature itself, being found deep in forests or high up on the mountaintops, feeling most free when they are able to be undisturbed amongst the world. Dragons of the Sky, of the Forests, of the Sea; and most powerful of all: the king of dragons known as Sovereigns.      

Primal Dragons

  Primal Dragons aren't quite uncommon, nor are they common. They govern primal forces such as the sun or the moon, and are the most expressly neutral of all dragons. They're also known to be relatively anti-social, keeping to themselves and only appearing before people if they wander into the dragon's home.   Despite their anti-social nature, Primal Dragons are the most likely to bestow gifts of power upon people. Because they only appear before people when they wish to, it is almost always because the dragon desires something from the people. As payment for their services, the people in question are given a gift by the dragon, perhaps partially as a sign for them to leave the dragon alone.      

Esoteric Dragons

  Esoteric dragons are the least common family of dragons. They are dragons who aren't fully material; rather, they exist partially in the The Ethereum at the same time. This makes them especially difficult to reach, and as a consequence they are the most seemingly "alien" of the group.   Due to their consistent proximity to the Border Ethereum, they often have dominion over mental forces. Power over dreams, nightmares, occult magic, the stars; these are just some examples of the types of forces that birth Esoteric dragons.


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