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Standard Variations of Magic

The studies and history of magic within Rinthara is a complicated one. The world is a veritable wellspring of magical, brimming at every corner with this energy. However, magic is not something that can be taught or learned: it is a natural affinity one has from birth. As a result, magically talented children are highly desirable all across the world, and Hisari is no different.   While the sources and flavours of magic are as varied as one's imagination, in general most people fall into certain categories: Arcane, Divine, or Natural. These categories are more akin to classifications of similar subspecies rather than completely different or diverse sets.   Those with an affinity for the Arcane draw their energy from celestial bodies: namely the Sun or the Moon. A widely contentious topic, followers of Adanis would claim that the energizing force of the Sun is what allows mere mortals to draw upon the ley-lines of magic that cross throughout the world. Meanwhile, a follower of Thyva would claim the gravitational pull and calming force of the moon is what allows people to coax magic through their fingertips. However, most who remain neutral tend to stick with the widely accepted definition of: the Arcanists draw their magic from various celestial bodies depending on their personal beliefs.   Those who carry a connection to the Divine draw their magic from the mind. The strength of their convictions and extreme beliefs in their respective faiths are what allow these individuals to perform greater and greater miracles. While a slippery slope to zealotry, what they are able to do through pure belief cannot be questioned. The ability to pull souls from the Dark Forest out and resurrect the dead to receiving portents of the past and future, their magic is an example of what can happen when one throws every ounce of their souls into a particular hope or dream.   And finally, those who have an affinity for Natural magic draw their energy from the elements of nature: the winds, the seas, and the earth. They utilize the natural forces that everyone experiences every day and shape them to their wills, bending the rules and often transmuting those very elemental forces they mold. Natural magic is rarer than the prior two, and is one of the few types of magic which can manifest slowly over time. The conventional understanding of natural magic is that every living creature is slowly affected by it; however those that steep themselves within nature accelerate this process. As a result, those that travel through heavy woodlands or lands untouched by the touch of civilization tend to veer towards natural magic.   These classifications of conventional magic act as a spectrum through which all magic can be defined. Arcane and Divine are seen as polar opposites, the former relying on drawing energy from an outside source whereas the latter relies on drawing energy from oneself. As a result, it is extremely rare for an individual to be able to affect both styles of magic. Meanwhile, Natural magic is an aggressively neutral anchor point on which it represents a facet of both Arcane and Divine. It relies on energy from external forces like the Arcane, but also relies on an individual's will like the Divine. As a result, those that work with natural magic have a relative ease by comparison in molding their affinity to one or both of the other styles of magic.   While these standard classifications of magic exist, extraneous classifications exist as well. Fey magic is something no normal person is able to properly wield lest they have fey blood within them, while Fiendish magic is something that only those of Abyssal or Infernal heritage can usually wield. These two classifications of magic have, in recent times, been studied more carefully and have been modeled to be on the outer edges of the magical spectrum. Fey magic is seen as a more extreme version of Arcane magic, while Fiendish magic is seen as a more extreme version of Divine magic. While ordinarily no normal person could effectively learn or wield these styles of magic, experimentation and curiosity are the curses which all mages bear.


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