Blue Anvil Special Prize in Hislariya | World Anvil

Blue Anvil Special Prize

Since NSFW articles are banned from entry in this year's WE Special Categories, I will sponsor a prize for the best kinky/sexy/smutty article produced during WE2022. All templates are accepted, including prose, plots, generic and also manuscript of up to 10k words.   Entries will need to be posted in the comments of this article or directly DMed to me by 23.59 of 1st January 2023 (GMT).   The prize will be likely handpicked by me for the winning author or a choice will be offered within a budget (I don't want for people to face huge postal charges to get their prize, so for some of you it might be a material prize, for others a digital voucher or something like that).   I trust the good taste of the people to whom the competition is open to, but just to be extra clear, only NSFW of suggestive/sexy nature will be considered. No Violence, No Gore, No Non Consent, No Apology of Transphobia, Homophobia, Racism.   The characteristics for which the entries will be judged include, but are not limited to:
  • wholesomeness.
  • diversity and inclusivity.
  • daring topics treated without the intent of shocking.
  • how much they make me want to have a tour of your world and hit on your characters :)

    The nominees!

      Only two people presented their articles for adjudication, and what articles. WOW!       Both of these characters that Naelin created during WE 2023 are steamy and I am personally pleased by the fact that he found the confidence to publish snippets of erotic prose in his articles because more people need to be able to enjoy his flair for the outrageously hot. It was very difficult to pick between these two. Weighting in Gaze's favour is what I feel a slightly more intense prose with a choice for the details to portrait that really hit the mark. On the other hand, Delight has to their credit a delightfully, painstakingly detailed portrait that I know took many months to be perfected, and the always appreciated voice acting of TJ Trewin.     It's difficult to find an article from Dani that is not capable to make me hornily laugh with her witty innuendos. The Marvelous Toy doesn't even pretend to not be a free flow of sex toys themed puns, all while still being a cohesive addition to her world of Luridity. The prose (and lyrics) inserts are hilarious and I am in awe at what she managed to get out of MidJourney (I swear that AI knows and manages to give her phallic images no matter what prompts she uses). TJ Trewin gave his generous contribution to this article too with a ridiculous marketing design for the toy, check it out.  

    The Winner!

      AND THE WINNER IS... insert drumroll   Both of them! Yes, I am bad at judging and I make the rules.   I pick Delight as winner for Naelin exclusively because of the time and effort involved in preparing that art piece.   Dani already received her 25£ Steam Card and Naelin will receive the same amount of spending money during his UK trip.   I highly recommend everyone who is not perturbed by the idea of wholesome erotic writing to check the winning articles (but all the nominees too, because Gaze has some amazing prose), follow both worlds for more and subscribe to fully appreciate all the naughy bits, where available. In particular I suggest you to clicky the audio files in both articles, you'll thank me later.   But maybe put on the headphones for that if you are at work or in a crowded place ;)

    Cover image: by Thom Milkovic