Gand's Bay

Gand's bay is not far away, if we push through we can get there before the worst of the storm reaches us!

Water and fire

  In the eastern coast of Bada, just at the feet of Quirama mountains, the coast opens in a wide semicircular bay that seems to have been designed by a divine creator to host a sailship harbour.   The Gand Bay area has a different composition from the rest of the neighbouring land and is enclosed by rocks that are more ancient than the surrounding ones.   The researcher of Kithanda's Academy think that the bay was in origin the rim of the mouth of a very old volcano that got eroded and was finally submerged. The detritus from the volcano itself was what ultimately formed the rest of Bada's landmass and Quirama's mountain is a secondary volcano that was born as an alternative output for the gas and lava when the older volcano went extinct and submerged.    This theory seem to be validated by the shape of the undersea slope, which has a circular bowl shape before declining more steeply to the ocean floor, and the fact that the seabed of the whole bay is much warmer than the surrounding sea.   Despite the closeness of Quirama mountain and the risk of volcanic activity, this comformation creates both interesting sea currents towards it that bring abundance of fish in the area of sea, and a protected area of calm waters inside it, that keep the sailboats safe from the worst of sea storms.   It should come to no surprise that the bay was inhabitated since ancient times and several settlements subsequently were created and destroyed by the volcanic activity, without it being a deterrent for new settlers to occupy the space, every time trying to build the villages in a way that protected them from the lava while still getting the most use from the natural harbour.

Cover image: by Thom Milkovic


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Jul 9, 2024 16:51 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

For some reason, I really want to go swimming there. Sounds cosy and warm.

Jul 9, 2024 20:31 by Simo

Maybe too warm sometimes :D Thanks for reading and commenting :)